Guild Information:
Schedule: Sundays 6-9 PM EST
Loot System: Loot Council
Progress: 15/15 Naxxramas (All previous content on farm)
About Us:
is recruiting! We are run by a lovable Warlock Tyrant, and a 4 man officer team. Our roster consists of a group of joke loving adults, who can be found chatting in discord every night. We’re a sarcastic group who make playful jabs at each other, but know when to buckle down and get serious. While Naxx is our current focus, we are also looking towards TBC, and the content it brings. And are working on laying out our framework for the raids to come, as well as filling the needs of the tier at hand. At the end of the day, WoW is a hobby that we all strive to enjoy, and having fun remains a high priority for us. Because really, what’s the fun in raiding if you don’t enjoy the people you raid with?
Our Expectations:
We are a group of busy adults, and our raiding time is limited. We expect anyone wanting to raid to be level 60, have BWL/ZG gear at the least, and have some level of experience in Naxx. While exceptions can be made for exceptional applicants, we generally expect new team members to be at a gear level where they will be able to contribute in Naxx, and have a basic understanding of the fights. We also expect our raiders to be fast learners. This means being able to learn from your own, and your teammates’, mistakes and being able to take criticism well. We are looking for people who want to engage with our community and make friends, not raid loggers or alts.
Raid recruitment:
Raid recruitment closed. Social members welcome!