[A] <CREW> casual guild

We’re a new guild on Pagle, but CREW has been around in some form for about twenty years. We started in Unreal Tournament and then moved into WoW. We’re all adults in our 30’s and have cleared this content before. We just want to have fun clearing the content with people who also have a causal playstyle.

There’s currently six of us and we’re looking for more people to raid Kara and possible 25 mans if we can at some point down the road. We have a ton of experience in WoW and TBC. I was a guild leader, main tank and raid leader during the original TBC released and we cleared everything but Sunwell.

Currently we have:
Prot Paladin
Druid Tank
Two Resto Shaman

We’re looking for pretty much every class.

If there’s any other small guilds that would like to work something out let me know. Discord: kaotic#4583

If you’re interested message me on Discord: kaotic#4583

I’m looking forward to continuing our conversation, Morded. I apologize that I had to leave so quickly. I had a toddler that needed to be in bed. :slight_smile:

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