[A] <Couples Therapy> Recruiting

Recruiting healers for multiple raid teams. We currently have two Kara groups running (Thurs/Mon and Sat/Sun), with a third forming now (also Thurs/Mon) Need healers primarily but also another tank. Full on DPS unless you’re an elemental shaman or boomie.

We’re a little bit late to start raiding but we’re getting through content smoothly and having fun while doing it! Nice group of people to spend your wow time with. Guild environment is upbeat and fun. Not too sweaty, not too casual. We’re kinda in the middle.

Please be an adult and have a sense of humor. We like to have fun :slight_smile: If you’re easily offended, this isn’t the guild for you.

Kara looting is MS>OS
25 mans will run 2 SR>MS>OS with a bonus SR if you were 100% on attendance the month prior.

Contact me or Minilox in game


Raid Times/Days:

Phase One:
Gruul’s Lair/Mag - Tuesday 730-1030PM EST
Kara Group 1 Thursday 8pm-until someone has to go
Kara Group 3 Thursday (Time TBD)
Kara Group 2 Saturday 6pm - until we pass out

Phase Two:
Gruul’s/Mag (if still needed) + SSC
Tuesday and Wednesday 730-1030PM EST

Raider Requirements and Expectations:

  1. All required addons posted in our discord
  2. First Aid Maxxed with 2 stacks of bandages each raid
  3. Fully Gemmed/Enchanted
  4. Dungeon Blues (no more than 2 greens)
  5. Food Buff food/moderate amount of consumables (Don’t go broke though!)
  6. Be online and at the dungeon 15 minutes before raid start time.
  7. Have your soft reserves submitted before invites start
  8. Research each boss prior to raid. Know your role in each fight.


Are y’all recruiting for Wrath?

I’m a Feral Druid Tank main // Cat OS who’s played wrath privates servers for years. Just now getting back into Classicwith the latest announcement. My Mondays/Thursdays are the only nights I have available to raid, so I’d love to link up with one of your teams if there’s a need :slight_smile:

Sorry Romnulus, I let the guild go during ssc/tk progression after all the negative press over blizzards legal issues. players just quit and i didnt want to rebuild. good luck with things though!

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