A couple propositions to alleviate the state of world PvP from a stability and incentive structure standpoint

Then what are we trying solve here?
This is all about one faction grieving another, so to solve that problem we will exile a percentage of them to take a transfer, so the maligned faction can find relief.
So forcing people off a server is not a punishment in your book?!
You would make a fine politician.
Curious where do you send the lesser faction players too?

FIx what problem, I dont see the horde complaining, except for maybe on heartseeker.
This has pretty much been a one sided argument.
When you are given only one choice, then there are no options.
Telling a server that they are going to get either a hard cap or queue cap tantamounts to being told that some off you have to go and here is the only ticket out of town to your new Server.
Suppose players refuse to take the option of leaving, are we going to forcibly remove them, log off on Server A and log back on Server B?!

If the BRM death walk continues after BGs are out, they need to flat out remove honor from wpvp. I know it’s a huge change but the alliance populations are going to die off if they don’t. And this is coming from a horde player.

Bro, you come off so confused. I don’t think we are even communicating on the same plane of existence. You’re implying that limiting the total number of players on a server at once is tantamount to exiling people? What did you do when classic launched? You waited in a queue. What do you think would happen if server caps were introduced? You would wait in a queue OR! Or you would voluntarily transfer servers

I am not confused, just running circles around a logic I have seen so many times before, “for the good of Wpvp” The benevolence that has only ever worsen pvp servers.
Players are established now, with guilds, friends, main toons and alts.
You want to solve a ganking issue by removing half the population.You are doing a Thanos.
You can’t even do a queue cap since that would work against the minor faction who would be competing for half the spots against twice as many of the dominant faction, so in the end you would probably skew the balance even more, because they are the ones who would probably take the escape hatch.
So you are down to a hard cap.
Well sorry if some people have a problem with ganking, but that doesn’t mean solving it requires a forcible removal of players who dont want to go, which is what it is.
Narrate it all you want by saying they will simply leave, well guess what, people were offered that choice earlier, and didn’t take it and they have that opportunity now by re-rolling, or waiting out paid transfers, the onus is on the players who have the issue with the pvp server they are on, not some collective solution that involves the whole server.
I like my server, I like the friends I made, I dont have a problem with what is going on.
This retail solution is simply a self serving mechanism for players who think Wpvp is TM vs SS, well it is not, so move along and avail yourselves to the solutions already present and don’t concern yourselves with those that stay behind, we will manage just fine.

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It’s made PvP lackluster to say the least.

I play on a 40/60 Horde favoured server with perhaps a 30/70 60’s ratio. I am not an honour farmer but do enjoy some solid PvP. From what my mates and I can tell is that the Horde have gotten too comfy in their little ‘safe spaces’… I mean 20+ man raid gank squads. Every aspect of a PvP fight against the Horde is embarrassing. Messy rotation, Mages nova-ing and staying within melee range, sheeping low health targets to full health, warlocks using imp instead of VW, using bandages while dotted, it’s actually pathetic.

Like many other faction imbalanced servers, Gadgetzan is a Horde cesspool. If your CC bot camping the FP there is banned or not functioning and we actually have some time get our bearings, the Horde will go /cry back to their precious bruisers and wait until more Horde arrive.

It’s not only the 60’s practising pathetic PvP too. While levelling my Drood, every Horde I see either flees to the hills or plays incredibly sloppy because I guess they think daddy 60 is around the corner. Not to mention the twink Shadow priest who lost to my mate and I while levelling in Red Ridge, very embarrassing. Or my favourite where my mate and I killed a ?? lvl honour grinding Shadow Priest on the MH boat while levelling our alts.

Fundamentally this is a faction imbalance issue. The Horde have had an overwhelming PvE experience with easy PvP experience tacked on. The moment a sliver of actual PvP comes into play they completely crumble under the pressure. This is frustrating; gone are the days of a heart pumping good fights of Phase 1. All it is now is getting talentless HKs.

I hope to God Horde get it together before BG’s come out because at the moment Hogger is a bigger threat to the Alliance then any Horde who play on my server at the moment. Faction balancing is necessary because in its current state it has made times easy for the Horde and good times create weak men and it’s very apparent.