A couple of Lock questions from a returning player!

It’s been a LONG time since I had my hands on a warlock and I’m thinking about getting into one again. And I have a couple of questions to lock veterans.

1) Why are you maining the class and the spec? I like to know what people enjoy most about their class because it can help me see things from a different perspective.

2) Is Demonology still locked with the Felguard or among the talents/hero talents they have a different option? (even if not optimal)… On the flipside, I’m able to use the succubus for PVE in any other spec? It’s just my favorite demon, and a shame to only be useful in PVP.

3) I love things in PVP like knockbacking people off cliffs, but Warlocks seem to not have any KB spell, but Shadow Rift seems like a handy tool to achieve similar results. Is the spell as cool as it seems?

4) I’ve been having a great time soloing Delves as a Blood DK - I know it’s pretty impossible for any other non tank to match that soloing capability, but how good Warlock soloing is nowadays?

Also just wanna say I was impressed by how good the latest Warlock tier set is. Like, every piece looks so well detailed, I feel it’s one of the best cloth sets they ever designed.

Thanks for any answers!

1) Why are you maining the class and the spec? I like to know what people enjoy most about their class because it can help me see things from a different perspective.

I like to have an up hill battle every game and have no kill potential since my class gets nerfed time and time again.

2) Is Demonology still locked with the Felguard or among the talents/hero talents they have a different option? (even if not optimal)… On the flipside, I’m able to use the succubus for PVE in any other spec? It’s just my favorite demon, and a shame to only be useful in PVP.

Yes you need fg

3) I love things in PVP like knockbacking people off cliffs, but Warlocks seem to not have any KB spell, but Shadow Rift seems like a handy tool to achieve similar results. Is the spell as cool as it seems?

Shadow Rift is good in bgs/rbgs and thats about it

4) I’ve been having a great time soloing Delves as a Blood DK - I know it’s pretty impossible for any other non tank to match that soloing capability, but how good Warlock soloing is nowadays?

Its pretty good plus we can breath under water

I’m also a returning player and my only 80’s are a BDK and Demo lock. Both are around 603 ilvl.

I like my warlock because I’ve had it since vanilla. It’s always been my favorite.

You use Felguard all the time as Demo. They got rid of the PvP talent with the Succubus that buffed your shadowbolt, and her whip no longer has a knockback, just a slow.

You can get up to some shenanigans with Shadow Rift, but unlikely to knock people off cliffs.

Delves are pretty good. I cleared T8 on my BDK at 573 but that was too low for me on Demo. My pet took too much damage and couldn’t hold aggro over health funnel. T6 was no problem and T7 felt like a good challenge. I think around 585 I was able to do T8 but I was still babysitting my pet.

Even if you didn’t play Demo, I think you’d need to play Felhunter for the interrupt over Succubus. There are some nasty casts in Delves. Felguard axe toss now has an interrupt, so he is a great pet for Delves.

I have been playing warlock for more than a decade. It was my first class leveled to full level.

Legion and Fel in general is my favorite lore in the game. Sargeras is the best main villain in this game. Jailer is a cheap copy of him.

Warlock used to have small knockback from succubus but not anymore. You can have fun with Shadow Rift in world PvP. I always summon my circle to the very edge facing the direction of fall. Then I just wait for a big fight summon infernal for aoe stun and then rift. This is really fun in PvP world quest area. There is often many people fighting. I managed to farm decent amount of honor this way.

When it comes to delves I managed to clear 11 delve without dying as Destro. Atm I am trying to kill Zekvir as Destro but i often die around 50% at 610 ilvl.

So overall I think Warlock is really fun class to play with probably the best lore. Each spec is unique, has nice visual effects and you always have at least 1 spec that performs good.

One thing that I would recommend you to try is if Blizzard release MoP Classic one day, give it a chance. MoP Warlock was imo very good if not the best when it comes to design.

And do the green fire quest line. I have never seen better quest line in this game.

Cheers !


+1 on MOP +1 On Green fire. Earned my cloak solo tanking. Mop Lock was darn near perfect.

I see. But other than the utility being useful, there’s no specific demon, damage-wise, outside of Demonology?

succubus has the best single target dps by a slight margin to justify the fact that seduce has no real use case outside of pvp

felhunter is the go-to for almost everything non-demo since it is our only interrupt


Gul’dan’s one of my favorite villains and I love the twisting nether lore and concept. I’m a big fan of summoning classes in games and Demo feels especially good in that flavor.

Yes. Felguard is the Demo pet and will probably always be this way. It’s stun/interrupt ability is a nice utility increase since they changed that I think last expansion (or shadowlands I can’t remember).

Shadow Rift is fun in BGs for sure. You can set up some nice shenanigans. If you happen to play with a sham or monk and you’re in coms, you can change the flow of a battle entirely with a well timed rift and thunderstorm/RoP combo.

I clear 8s relatively quickly, I’m pretty geared at this point though (pushing into Mythic raid and +11s), my Felguard still dies to certain packs if I’m not paying attention to his health (soulburn/health funnel will stop this immediately), but he holds aggro and stays alive for most of it. It’s still difficult enough to feel engaging, I’m not sure beyond 8, I don’t really see a point in pushing it.

Warlocks are great survivors, and I really like summoning my army of demons.

Still Felguard (though you can change his look in the barber shop (as you can with all your main demons)) as he’s the most versatile of all demons.

Demonology does well in Delves, especially as Brann’s healing potions heal your Felguard too.
Also, keep your Curse of Exhaustion on hand as mobs are apt to drag your Felguard into other fights.

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  1. I just like commanding demon armies.

  2. Yes, Demo is still essentially locked to Felguard, but we have an interrupt on Axe Toss now. Not perfect but still nice. Yes, other specs may use the Succubus unless an interrupt, offensive dispel or defensive dispel is needed.

  3. no comment, i don’t pvp

  4. Warlock soloing is very strong. Tanks are better of course but Warlocks are among the best for soloing, especially if you use all your tools. Demo has it easiest as Felguard can actually hold threat while DPSing but all three specs played well will do great in delved.

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