[A] Council of Elders is Recruiting all Roles

Council of Elders is recruiting for our BfA raid group. We are a very successful raid group, clearing all heroic content, in Legion, on time with AOTC. We even managed to down some Mythic bosses too. We are looking for committed players who want to progress through BfA with CoE. Core Raid spots are available. Raid spots are determined by performance, knowledge of mechanics and your ability to maximize your toon. We are currently 8/8 Heroic and 1/8 Mythic in Uldir.

We are recruiting all roles! Tanks, Healers, DPS and all are welcome. We have an immediate need for Ranged DPS and Tanks.

We are calling ourselves "seriously casual". That means we take our raids serious but try to keep it casual. We are an adult guild, so no minors accepted.

We raid 7-10 server time Wednesday and Thursday. We use Discord and it is required to have running during our raids.

We also like to PVP. We run Rated BG's on a weekly basis. We also have players who do arenas, and you can almost always find a battleground group doing random BG's.

Please contact Orangejello, Kisatchie, or Jetcircus in game if you have any questions or are interested in joining our ranks.


<updated Nov 1,2016>
Haven't Caught you in game yet but i have a 840 gaurdian druid, and 852 rogue and hunter. I have cleared Normal emerald multiple times and tried a couple heroic bosses. My in game names are Halansi, Crogga, or Krelanis

Thank you Krelanis, but we are Alliance.
hahaha long day my bad
<updated Nov 15, 2016>
<updated Dec 2, 2016>
<updated Dec 20,2016>
I have a 845 Elemental Shaman and 865 BM Monk. I've only done EN on LFR, though I've been wanting to get into normal and above for a while. I'd love to join your ranks if you'd have me.
<updated January 27, 2017>
<updated February 11, 2017>
<updated April 8,2017>
Just thought I'd give a bump to the folks in Council of Elders. They are a fun group to raid with. :)
<updated June 8,2017>
<updated July 1,2017>
<updated August 22, 2017>
<updated September 13,2017>
<updated October 13, 2017>
<updated November 18,2017>
Not a very welcoming bunch.