A controversial suggestion

I’m here to make a controversial suggestion that, in my opinion, makes a lot more sense than some of the other knee-jerk suggestions I’ve seen.

First, I think Rogues NEED four specs, and I’ll detail why and what the four specs should look like. This part might hit some people in the nostalgias, but its a change that, if carried out, would make for a healthier class, and would offer more to the game as a whole.

Assassination (Dagger Spec): This spec would blend the current Assassination and Subtlety specs together. Shadow Magic, Poisons, High Mobility with Shadowstep. I know people want Sub and Assassin seperate. Those people probably hoarde pizza boxes, magazines, and instructions to microwaves in their apartments and can’t let go of anything. The class doesn’t need 2 dagger specs.

Outlaw (DW sword/mace/axe/fist Spec): Much the same as the current spec. RTB gets added into SnD. Why? Because I hate RTB. I think its stupid. I’d rather it just be an added effect of something we would be using anyway.

Taskmaster (2-Hand sword/mace/axe/polearm Tank Spec): If they’re good enough for the Defias, they’re good enough for me. Taskmaster would be a tanking spec that would use high amounts of dodge/parry, shadow magic, crimson vial, and a rolling form of damage mitigation that would operate off of combo point spending. Think SnD, but for defensives, and the more points spent the longer the duration and greater the damage reduction.

Ranger (Ranged bow/crossbow/gun Spec): I know. I know. Everyone thinks Rangers are supposed to be Hunters, but let me tell you, no. No, they are not. They would be 1000% cooler as Rogues. Stealth, a long-range Ambush, poisons. Who wants some bird pooping on your shoulder when you can instead have an AoE Rain of Arrows that strikes the primary target, plus 1 additional enemy per CP spent? Stupid hunters and their monopoly on bows. Make them share. All loot is Rogue loot from now on.

So why the change? Well, it would give Rogues a tanking spec that made sense. I know, nobody even asked for that, but seriously, more tank options is a good thing. Second, it would open up a lot more weapon options and allow more playstyles to be represented. They used to call Fury Warriors “Rogues in Plate”. Taskmasters can be Warriors in Leather. Third, how long has the community wanted Rangers/Dark Rangers? Marksman Hunters are never going to achieve that. Their whole design is contrary to stealth and shadow magic. A Rogue however, they have that in spades. They can be the hit and run, vanish into woodline type character that Marksman wishes it could be, but never will be.

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Either change Outlaw name, or completely makes it an Outlaw spec.

Marauder? Raider? Back to Combat? Wetworks? Cutthroat? Scoundrel? Underhanded? Swashbuckler?

Just call him a Sell Sword. Technically, a merc can be anything–that’s what made Combat so appealing.

I always thought of a Combat Rogue like Bron from Game of Thrones; a killer for hire that’s pretty good in a fight and isn’t an actual soldier.

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Outlaw = gunslinger

Dual pistol spec

I’m quite surprised by the lack of “lol this is stoopid” and by the concern for the name of Outlaw. I thought suggesting a tanking AND a ranged spec would get laughed at.


People have asked for a fourth spec based around tanking for ages.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: