A Conduit No More Quest Bugged

The quest A Conduit No More is bugged. The conduit is not killable, but the dmg still shows on screen. Can’t complete legion assaults’.


Same here, but I don’t see any dmg dealt on my end.

If I use the orb ability and shoot at the middle it will show 8-9k dmg done to something, but after spamming it for 4 mins I got auto dismounted and fell to my doom.

cant complete this one, and the others largely rely on getting 3 people to finish…sucks for farming mounts from an expac i didnt play

I found a fix! Log out flying around, log in, refly on the mount and it will work. Good luck on the next part.


I found a fix! Log out flying around, log in, refly on the mount and it will work. Good luck on the next part.

Yes, this worked. First hit!!! Ty Ty

Sadly, this did not work for me

Ok it did, but I had to try it multiple times

Confirmed, I had to log out 2 times before it worked for me.

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Logging out isn’t doing, it abandoning isn’t doing it. It’s bad enough that ones you do get to this point it take a minimum of 2 days to do 1 quest. Now to top it all off the quest isn’t doable, so just come back for a 3rd right? So glad I have planed my day around your buggy event that doesn’t even work.

I am also trying to finish this part of the Legionfall chain so I can tame Feathermane creatures on my Hunter. It would be great if you could trigger completion so I can finish Legionfall.

After log out several times the quest can be completed

I logged out 5 times, abandoned it several times as well. It will not destroy.

I finally tried going back to Brokens Isles and doing some world quests there for one of the other parts of the achievement. When I went back to the Conduit quest after zoning, it destroyed.

Try getting on the bird without being mounted. Worked for me. I think the dragonflight mount bugs it.

So this is still bugged.

I ended up only getting past it because I logged off for like 2 hours.

I logged out while in the sky, disabled all my add ons and logged back in. Finished the quest after that.

Relogging didn’t work, I had to disable all addons, then /reload. which then worked for me.

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September. Still bugged. And god forbid a blue actually come and address that they are even aware.

Also I’ve tried all of the above. Disabled addons. Logged out. Abandoned quest. Etc. multiple attempts at the logging part and abandoning quest part. Nothing.

It finally worked for me. I had to do it twice. But first hit and BOOM, quest finished.