A compilation of relevant facts about what’s happening in TWW

I’m staring at right now ingame. It’s at an angle. And I mean the very bottom of it is only very slightly at an angle.

Probably due to the way the ceiling slopes. But either way, the angle isn’t steep enough for it to be a last ditch stabbing motion from a desperate mad titan

Also, it’s way too round to be a blade. Plus blades don’t have a light/void phase. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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We don’t know yet. But when talking about it Blizzard hinted that he was aiming for something. So, they have some plan for where it is. They way they talked about it made me feel like we were going to find out this expac. Thought that was just how it seemed to me. I am sure we will find out at some point in the Soul Saga. Just not sure when.

My personal guess is he was aiming for the Soul chamber at the end of the Coreway. But we will have to wait and see.

There are a couple things that would have to be true for that to happen.

  1. The map would have to be VERY wrong.
  2. Hallowfall would have to be VERY deep. (Much deeper than we have any indication of.)

The sword is at an angle, but it is not a steep one. That means it goes down more than it goes horizontally, with its angle it would be a lot more down than over. In turn, that means for it to poke into Hallowfall it would mean Hallowfall would have to have a depth significantly greater than its distance from Silithus. Something we have no indication of. And going by what we see it actually paints the opposite picture.

So, baring some VERY significant hand waiving about how far away the island is and how deep Hallowfall is, it would not be possible for the sword to have hit the cavern. It is possible Blizzard could do that level of hand waiving, but it seems very unlikely they would.

I have to reiterate, you typed that under a category heading as a Fact… but that is not a fact. It is an assumption you have made. We do not have any objective evidence stating that the voice or the phenomena of the radiant song is Azeroth at all. It could be a voice or a phenomena from Beledar or even from the Light in general. You’re welcome to put that as your head canon or your theory-crafting down at the bottom of your list…but it is not a fact.

Those two items in the list are also not facts. In the case of the first item, it was a claim made by constructs who presumably wrote the chronicles; so it might be correct, but we have no evidence that it is correct. For the second item in the list, that is extremely and absolutely “NOT” a fact. We have never seen any evidence that the Light created all World Souls, ever. Given the cosmology chart, I would be more convinced that Cosmic Life made Life and the Titans didn’t have all the facts to lead to their constructs wanting to write that in their chronicle.

Other than that, much of your list is okay and acceptable to lore. I probably don’t go with your personal theories at the end. My speculation is that the Azeroth World Soul was indeed the Prime World Soul and it wasn’t always in a planet; it started out traveling through the Great Dark Beyond…being chased by beings of Darkness no less. And in those travels, I think the Azeroth Prime World Soul created other lesser World Souls that got sent off into space at random locations. Among those lesser world souls were ones like Aman’thul and K’aresh and Argus and Sargeras and Eonar, etc. Then eventually Azeroth the Prime World Soul got tired of fleeing, so she stopped at a star and formed a planet around herself. Maybe even Azeroth was contacted by two lesser magical beings like Elune and An’she (from Life and Light respectively) to protect her while she slept so she could rest. But then eventually some beings from Void found her and started some corruption hijinks. Maybe Elune and An’she tried to fight them, but An’she got injured in the process. So then Azeroth the Prime World Soul woke up and shoo’d away the void beings, but wanted to heal An’she so maybe she grabbed pieces of An’she and shoved them into the rock and soil of her own planet surrounding her; because healing the pieces of An’she would take time. So Azeroth the Prime World Soul went back into her own slumber to continue the healing. During that time, maybe Elune stood guard and started a relationship with lesser mortals like dark trolls and tauren and proto-dragons. And through them, Elune learned that the Void had not given up trying to interfere…maybe some of those fragments of An’she unfortunately were becoming Void. Elune wanted to prevent that; so maybe she zapped the void fragments of An’she with Nature magic and that turned them into Fleshy Old Gods. Those Old Gods were never going to listen to Elune, but at least they were maybe distracted enough to keep fighting each other and making them forget that they wanted to corrupt the Prime World Soul. Eventually, those Old Gods made a Black Empire. And then eventually the Titans arrived and wanted to put a stop to those Old Gods and protect the World Soul. It was at that time which I propose…maybe Elune fibbed to the Titans and did not reveal her involvement with their origin. Further, that Elune communed with Eonar of the Titans and fibbed to her also, developing a Sisterly relationship. This would make sense of why Elune was involved with the cultures of Night Elves and Tauren and Protodragons but for some reason taught them some arcane magic and the titan language. Then the Titans did their ordering and built a core-chamber to protect the Azeroth Prime World Soul, but unfortunately that blocked out everybody else from other cosmic forces from talking to her also. And that means the fragments of An’she lost contact with Azeroth. I think Beledar was one of those fragments of An’she. And I think Beledar was the one talking to Thraegar trying to mind control those thraegar into dismantling the core-chamber so that communication with the World Soul would be restored. And I even think that Elune may have fibbed to Eonar and got her to plant that magical tree Elun’ahir so that Cosmic Life could grow that tree to break through the core-chamber once the Titans were ready to leave. But Aman’thul would have seen how bad that tree was, and ripped out the top portion. But then Elune probably sent the haranir to hide themselves away from anybody constructed by the Titans and slowly grow those roots.

in “observational-report-earthen” (item=201920 on wowhead; found in the Uldaman instance), a watcher says about the Earthen in Khaz Altar…
"One particularly notable variant can be found in the earthen contingent dispatched to investigate the fissure detected in Sector AR-938 (for further details, search records related to geological anomalies).

In the course of their duties, these earthen began to manifest behaviors analogous to those which would one day be apparent in the self-styled dwarves, despite the two groups being separated by vast swaths of time and distance.

In fact, based on their origin dates, I could identify no corollary at all between these populations.

Yet while their behaviors, language, and demeanor show many similarities (for example, assigning Sector AR-938 the colloquial name “Khaz Algar”), physiologically the two groups remain distinct."

So they were seen as “unreliable” as far back as Uldaman.

Uh with the weekly memory quests we now know the crystal is just crystalized azeroth magic i think or whatever.

And we know the worldsoul is trapped in stasis by the titans who wished to influence it. Azeroth in return juced up some earthen to rebel and free her.

As for the sword…well, it was aimed at someone, as Thrall said. If and when we get to go deeper and find the worldsoul, we’ll find the tip of the sword a couple inches from reaching it

But then why is it Beledar that is sending out the Radiant Song? Allegedly it was giving visions to the Arathi emperor and now we are seeing/hearing it.

I am so curious to learn more.

The Emperor’s vision also represented Beledar as a fallen star.

There is also the fact that if Beledar was in anyway connected to Azeroth (the world soul), why was Xal’atath sucking the void energies out of it instead of injecting it with more void energy? You can clearly see the void energies going into the Dark Heart in the end of 11.0 max level campaign cinematic.