A compilation of relevant facts about what’s happening in TWW

So I recently posted a theory on reddit claiming that Beledar might be Azeroth’s heart. It even came complete with a flow chart explaining my reasoning.

Admittedly, it was more than a little bit of a stretch which someone quickly pointed out. But that person also pointed out that in making the chart I had brought a lot of lore facts into frame which sets a better picture for what might be going on.

So I decided to salvage that insane flow chart by compiling the questions I asked and facts I collected into a list to help everyone with their own theories. I also put my personal theories at the end.


  1. What is the Coreway’s purpose?

  2. What is Beledar?

  3. Why is Beledar shifting?

  4. What’s the connection between Beledar and azerite?

  5. What is the Radiant Song?

  6. What are the roots in Azj-Kahet?

Facts about the Coreway:

  1. The titans constructed the Coreway.

  2. The titans put great emphasis on protecting the Coreway when creating the edicts for the earthen in Khaz Algar.

  3. A colossal construct was left behind by the titans to destroy the earthen of Khaz Algar should the edicts ever be broken.

  4. There is no comparable failsafe against earthen independence at any other titan installation that we are aware of.

  5. The Coreway is large enough to fit a keeper or possibly even a titan’s avatar through.

  6. The Coreway ends at an opening to Hallowfall which is where Beledar is located.

Facts about Beledar:

  1. Blizzard confirmed Beledar is NOT the tip of Sargeras’ sword.

  2. Before the first shift, Beledar only emitted holy energy.

  3. The Light crystals created by Beledar are similar to Azerite.

  4. When Beledar shifts it emits Void energy.

  5. When Beledar shifted for the first time, the Arathi called it the “Day of Darkness”.

  6. The Day of Darkness happened at approximately the same time Sargeras’ sword struck Azeroth.

Facts about the Radiant Song:

  1. Azeroth has been sending out the Radiant Song to alert the world that she is in danger.

  2. The Radiant Song can manifest physical recreations of Azeroth’s memories that have the same coloration as Azerite.

  3. The Radiant Song gets louder near Beledar.

Facts about shards of Light, the naaru, and Azerite:

  1. Life in the universe began when shards of Light carrying the spark of life were scattered across reality.

  2. World-souls were created from the spark of life carried by the shards of Light.

  3. Naaru are created when shards of Light coalesce.

  4. When naaru are damaged: They invert and become beings of Void called “void gods”.

  5. Azerite can be considered Azeroth’s equivalent to blood.

  6. Azerite feels similar to shards of naaru.

Facts about Azj-Kahet, world trees, and the Legend of Elune’Ahir:

  1. There are large pools of old god blood in Azj-Kahet called “black blood”.

  2. The world trees Teldrassil and Andrassil were once used to spread the influence of the old gods. The latter was corrupted by the Saronite which is the blood of the old god Yogg-Saron.

  3. There is a legend of a world tree called “Elun’Ahir” that was torn out of the earth by Aman’Thul.

  4. The details of the Legend of Elune’Ahir are canonically disputed and it may not even be based on a true story.

Personal Theories:

  1. The Coreway is probably much more important than other titan installations if it warrants such a drastic failsafe.

  2. The titans might have built the Coreway so they or the keepers could go down and observe something personally. Possibly Beledar.

  3. If the titans wanted to observe Beledar, then it might be vital to Azeroth’s health.

  4. Beledar could be shifting because it was damaged by Sargeras’ sword, similar to how naaru become void gods when they’re damaged.

  5. Beledar might be one of the shards of Light that creates a world-soul.

  6. The roots in Azj-Kahet might be the roots of the mythical Elun’Ahir.

  7. If the roots did belong Elun’Ahir and had been allowed to continue growing it could have been corrupted by the black blood similar to how Andrassil was corrupted by Saronite.

  8. If the Legend of Elun’Ahir is based in truth and Aman’Thul did uproot Elun’Ahir, it may have actually been because it was in danger of being corrupted by the black blood. Also it may have been too close to Beledar.


The Earthen said they hadn’t finished cleaning the Coreway and only cleaned up enough to get us to Ringing Deeps which means the Coreway goes deeper.

In otherwords the World Soul of Azeroth can’t be Beledar leaving us with another option: Beledar is K’aresh’s World Soul that Xal’atath and the Old Gods were chasing to finish corrupting!

This adds interesting implications for N’Zoth saying “Only I can save this world” despite knowing from our Time Travel that he is going to die. He hid Azeroth’s actual World Soul from Xal’atath expecting her to focus on K’aresh’s World Soul.

K’aresh’s Light-corrupted World Soul got injured upon Sargeras stabbing Silithus which means that Sargeras noticed the similar energies to that of the Vindicaar and realized that the Light was about to get a World Soul and he needed to kill her fast therefore a quick stab of a Void Entity to ensure Beledar dies from Void-poisoning was necessary.

Azeroth wasn’t a priority to Sargeras as it had no corruption at all leaving Beledar as his primary target.

Beledar of course used Magni to get healed from Sargeras’s attack and get N’Zoth out of the way. Too bad Elun’Ahir’s roots are getting too close to the Black Blood and will finish Beledar off.

Azeroth’s own voice is so loud it knocked Magni unconscious both times it tried to contact him.

Xal’atath will get a rude awakening once she has finished drowning Beledar in Void for as N’Zoth says: “She is not the last but the first. Drown her and you will see.”

Cue 2-pronged attack on the World Soul: 1 attack coming from the Undermine and the 2nd weaker attack coming from the Coreway.

There will be 3 Zones for the Final Patch of War Within: Kezan, Undermine and Azeroth’s Core(as the Earthen call the final destination of the Coreway).

The Raid will be the Datamined Goblin Raid with the previous Patch involving Beledar featuring Elun’Ahir’s Root System around Beledar as a Zone with it’s Raid being the Datamined Ethereal Raid(as the Ethereal would put great importance in K’aresh’s World Soul).

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My gut reaction is that Elun’Ahir will not be Old God corrupted. At worst, I would expect it to be Life unchecked, but I don’t even think that’s likely. As much as everyone is forecasting Eonar as being primed for a villainous turn, I expect Eonar to help us and ultimately supplant Aman’Thul when we end up going against the Titans. Put another way, I don’t think her undermining Aman’Thul when he ripped out Elun’Ahir was signaling Eonar as being duplicitous. Rather, I think that is signaling that she is the good guy who is trying to push back against Aman’Thul’s draconian methods as a prideful patriarch (which is a common thread in “Sky-Father” deities).

Something I will note is that Azerite seems to trump void energy. Not just with Magni awakening the Earthen, but any one who has Mining will probably notice that crystallized veins (Azerite) protect against weeping veins (Void).

I’m not sure what Beledar’s deal is, though. Could just be a Titan installed fail-safe against Void influence, since purging Old Gods directly was not a viable solution. The Light-Void cycle certainly points towards something naaru related. And as Thrall pointed out in the cinematic, Sargeras tried to stab it for a reason. I doubt that reason was so that the Void could corrupt Azeroth, and I’m not even sure I believe that it was meant to kill Azeroth either. Could just be the Titan’s method of ensuring a Light/Order process? Not a lot of information to really peg down something I’m confident about.


I don’t understand how they’re convincing people Life Light and/or Order would be opposed.
Especially after the whole “TiTaNs pErSpEcTiVe” Chronicle retcon since Chronicle explicitly depicts Light and Life as good things so clearly the titans like Light and Life.

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Spores, genesaur, and Botani, basically. Life unchecked seems like it can get up to some pretty unsavory stuff that doesn’t seem to jive with Light or Order where it otherwise might.


I think people read way too much into that crystal, it’s probably just foreshadowing for what will happen to the sunwell. There are plenty of shiny crystals in the planet that one is just really big. One was used for Ashbringer

To add to this, in one of the books we found in Ulduman: Legacy of Tyr, it says that the Earthen we encounter in Khaz Algar (sector AR-938) were sent to investigate a “fissure”. Watcher Melenia speculates that exposure to the “anomaly” is why these Earthen were less affected by the curse of flesh compared to those who would end up as ‘Dwarfs’. The ‘anomaly’ could be Beledar.

It is possible that Beledar was what they were sent to investigate and the coreway was constructed to provide ease of access to it. Although if the Coreway was built by the Titans, then the ‘fissure’ would’ve occurred during the Ordering of Azeroth. Or it could be another case of Blizzard using Titans to mean the Keepers as they have often done.

I still reckon that the colossal construct was a failsafe Dornic made in case the Earthen went rogue. Which of course they did but with the blessing of “The keeper” (most likely Archaedas). Dornic probably expected the Earthen to destroy the edicts if they ever rebelled. But of course they did not until recently.


Well yeah, obviously, but there are no end to those cretins who exclusively get their lore from YouTube saying “OMG AMAN’THUL HATES LIFE” because Nobbel or Bellular made some low effort clickbait video about it.

N’zoth saves! Because he might get hungry later.

A good post.
Needs more sources, though.

You also forgot to mention that the black blood spreads after Sargeras’ impact.

Where did Blizzard confirm it? What is the source?

Or the opposite. We know now that the titans are not really good, they might want to keep Azeroth imprisoned within the world. It leaked that the Harronir call Azeroth “goddess”, and if they once worshiped Elune, that’s something to address. It was also Azeroth who gave the aspects their powers back, and they didn’t include her as one of the titans, so we don’t really know if Azeroth is even a titan like them.

The Titans encountered Beledar when they were building the Coreway to the Worldsoul. It cannot be the sword.


Other than the fact that Beledar is on Khaz Algar and the sword is all the way in Silithus?

Two places not remotely close to one another.


Also confirmed in game via a conversation between Allera and Anduin.

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To be fair, the sword is HUGE and could have been stabbed at a slight angle so in theory it COULD be the tip of the sword.

With that said, we know for a fact it is not because Beledar was there when the Titans showed up to investigate the World Soul. It was there already when the Arathi showed up, and when Sargeras stabbed the world it started turning voidy. So yeah, I agree with you it’s definitely not his sword.


We also have concept art.

And an early zone map img that labels it Naaru Crystal.

And will continue turning to Void until Azshara(whom A Song of the Depths says will return after a Dark Heart left broken awaits the taking leading to the Awakening being completed by Xal’atath) brings the Pillars of Creation(which were on Dalaran until Xal’atath destroyed it) which will protect Beledar from the Void but not from Life.

The fact that Xal’atath is turning to Gallywix implies that her bargain with Azshara involves giving her vast Arcane power and Dalaran’s power hoping beyond hope that Azshara will grab the broken Dark Heart instead of the Pillars of Creation and Stockpile of Azerite not realizing she is the one with no eyes and will be turned Undead by Galakrond’s Necrotic Death by Azshara and become Queen over the Kobyss wielding a Staff of Bone to gather power for herself.

I have no doubt that Azshara upon arriving in Beledar with the Pillars of Creation will use the Eye of Aman’Thul to constantly rewind Beledar’s past selves while scouring it’s history for what she is looking for.

Xal’atath the Crooked Serpent with no Eyes at the same time will howl for the Light she once despised as the Emerald Dawn makes a mockery of her condition after the awakening. The veil between Dream and Dreamer will slide away like skin from bone switching Xal’atath from undecayed to decayed constantly through Azshara’s use of the Eye of Aman’Thul depending on whether or not Beledar is Emerald with Dream or Golden with Light.

Xal’atath probably is deceived by Azshara in multiple ways: She probably thinks Elune is the upstart “goddess” who usurped her due to Azshara’s vague words when Elune’s Magic leaks into Xal’atath’s Past when infact it’s Azshara who is the usurper with Elune being a genuine Goddess as far as WoW Lore is concerned(not as far as Real Life is concerned though).

No doubt Azshara caused the Great Clash between Light and Void via her delving into Beledar’s history causing the Black Blood to leak through the cracks into Beledar’s past.

Midnight might infact be the Void Lords’ way of making sense of it’s origins via Xal’atath or Azshara messing with the Eye of Aman’Thul with each Crystal containing a Realm of Light. The Light of Zereth Lumen will fall into a panic once it learns the Void is just a creation of a Stable Time Loop and that the Real Shadow of Zereth Umbrae is elsewhere scheming!

It was in multiple interviews.

And also, the game explicitly rules it out. Beledar has been there for at least 15 years, when the Arathi arrived it was there. The day of darkness happened around the time Sargaras stabbed the world. Beledar itself was there a long time before that. It cannot be the sword.

No, they encountered multiple deposits that they described the same way Beledar looks. It was not specifically Beledar they ran into.

when illidan killed xera maybe a portion of her went flying
this went through the space in the sky of argus and landed on the arathi fleet

Portions of her went flying all over the Vindicaar. I’ve still got X’era dust in my beard. Do you know how hard it is to wash out Prime Naaru?

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