Competent Casuals
8/8 BWL with MC and Ony on farm.
For more information or to join the guild check out:
- Recruitment Lead: #Rikuso1641 (BNET) / Rikuso (In-Game) / Rikuso#3079 (Discord).
- Guildmaster: Crydon (In-Game)
- Website: guild . competentcasuals . com
Competent Casuals is a PVE raiding guild of capable, twisted yet mature adults that love to dabble in PVP, altoholism, and much more.
The guild was made with adults in mind. So those that have jobs, families and a life outside of wow yet know how to bring it during the weekend and raid nights is exactly the type of person this guild was made for. Casual yet competent.
Progression: Friday and Saturday Night (8:00PM - 10:30PM Eastern Server Time)
Optional non-EPGP raids on off-nights.
- Rogue / Hunter
*Note: Always happy to speak with any exceptional players, non-raiders, and leveling characters as well! We’re flexible and care more about your attitude and fit within the guild.
Our first two weeks raiding as a guild (no pugs) we full cleared Ony and MC and one shot pretty much everything to boot. We plan to continue raiding all the way through NAXX with as little stress and as much fun as possible. It’s a marathon not a race however!
Loot System: EPGP
- TL;DR Description: It’s a point system where you’re awarded for showing up and participating in kills. We don’t awarded people with deep pockets. We will never allow someone to buy their way into getting decked out.
- New Guildies: Trial Raiders will earn EPGP, but will be a lower priority for loot from current Core Raiders until they reach 300 EP (~2 Weeks of On-Time Raiding). You can still get loot: we will never shard or OS roll an item that is MS for a Trial Raider!
Contact #Rikuso1641 (Rikuso) or check out the guild site: competentcasuals . com.