[A] Coalition Of Azeroth - RP/PVP

Coalition of Azeroth is recruiting! We are an RP focused Guild with content for all (6 Organizations within the guild for different styles of RP)

We host multiple events every day, while doing some raiding for transmogs. We are 200+ members strong with an active Discord and a friendly player base

One of our main requirements is the use of Discord. Discord is utilized in all of our events and, in addition, it is quite active outside of RP. It plays host to a wealth of information. You can even RP in our designated org channels when not in game, and read the log to acknowledge our members and style. You will also find a great XP system and progression system, which is constantly discussed and improved so everyone is happy like you never seen in any other guild!

Of course it's also the best way to stay in-touch with the rest of the guild (inside or outside of WoW) and it allows you to keep an eye on current or upcoming events (Both in and out of character). We don't require that you talk, only that you be able to look and listen! Join the Coalition of Azeroth today.

Guild Master:



Ask your questions, have some noodles!
Pvp you say? Hahaha. Thought we buried you chumps already? Haven't seen any of these pathetic victims out in the wild since we planted you all 6 feet deep in argus.

Looks like we'll be seein ya soon.
If you have any members that enjoy wpvp send them our way. The Alliance is mustering a force to stand up to the Horde war machine. For the Alliance!
10/29/2018 10:26 AMPosted by Gordrakk
Pvp you say? Hahaha. Thought we buried you chumps already? Haven't seen any of these pathetic victims out in the wild since we planted you all 6 feet deep in argus.

Looks like we'll be seein ya soon.

I was there that day mister, it was not THAT ugly we beat your asses in couple of rounds too u.u
Please if you are not looking to join please keep this page clean for those who wish to join thank you.
Should you have questions for the Guild master, that is I. I have the permissions on my character warpath. However my officer team is top notch and we can answer your questions. If you prefer we can do guild collaborations on discord as well.