[A] <Cloudsong> - 8/8H, 2/8M is LF DK, Mage, Enh, DH

Cloudsong-Stormrage raids Wednesday and Friday, 7PM EST to 10PM EST.

Roster built, just missing the final piece.

Post in here if you want us to reach out. Feel free to PM myself or Nedree in-game.

Would be interested for sure, 378 Ilvl Resto Druid. I push keys and can be on for those raid times no problem! If you wanna chat more Eska# 11709 is my bnet tag.

Awesome! Gonna have Shakye/Nedree add you. He’s going to eat dinner, expect a PM in 15-20.

Would be interested. Can reach me at Kirkdogg ingame or Alek Daze#5571 on discord

Bump! Still seeking DK, Mage and/or Havoc DH. AND LOCK!

Bump. We’re 5/8N. Raiding Friday at 7PM EST.

Both Kirk and Jelluh have been awesome additions.

Anyone else looking to join up?!

We’re raiding tonight! DPS slots still open, post here for more details.

Now 7/8N and 1/8H w/ multiple <5% wipes on Terros.

Still looking for good applicants.

Are you guys still looking for a havoc DH? I would be interested if so. Viv#11230 is my BTag if you want to reach out to me. :slight_smile:

I would be interested, especially since that time frame is beautiful for me.

Osa, add me to your friends in game (Nedree) and lets chat.

Half the guild got together on an off day and dropped Raz. So consider us 7.5/8 now?

Post here with a way to get ahold of you and Nedree or I will reach out.

*We are requiring logs now.

Goal is to get 20 and step inside Mythic next Friday.

One of us, one of us

Raid tonight, got room for 1-2 trials.

Bump! xoxo

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Raiding tonight, perfect time to trial 1-2 people out. Let me know!

Bump ~~~~ ~ !

Just need another Rogue for big pump, 7/8 Heroic. Reclearing this Wednesday at 7PM EST. PM in-game on Novoul.

Come talk to us and join a fun group of entertaining people who share progression mentality.