[A] Clan Battlehammer: 13 years - Going Strong

Hail t’any an’all!

Our hammers are heavy and oor tankards swift! Err, was it tha other way ‘round? Not important! The hearts an’ vigor o’tha dwarves o’Clan Battlehammer drum deep in tha depths! Fer time long-standin’ we hammers ‘ave fought under oor banner t’squash tha Horde menace beneath her! We continue ‘at fight t’this day! Oor hammers an’ axes yearn fer tha wails o’oor enemies an’ oor spirits sound wit’ mighty love fer oor Kin!

If’n ye find yerself taller than a gnome, but not too tall, hairy, belligerent in yer opinions, tankard in hand, hammer or axes ready (or staff, or ranged device designed for puttin down hordies), an’ stout o’heart, then ye might fin’ yerself a good home here in oor clan, Clan Battlehammer!

Long Live Clan Battlehammer
Katrëll Highmountain
King Regent

((TLDRP - We’re taking on more dwarves, Dark Iron and otherwise! We’ve hit Dragonflight with our feet running, short legs as they may be, and would love to have you aboard if you find yourself a good fit! We call ourselves a Wpvp, RPpvp, Pvp guild and we’re darn proud of it! Long Live Clan Battlehammer!))


Hail lads n’ lasses o’ deh Dwarven kin! Aye kin tell yeh true, me brudders n’ sistars o’ oor Clan be mighty n’ loyal ta boot! Weh fight, weh drink n’ weh got each udders back.

Yeh kin come ‘round ta see if yeh kin fit in wit’ us too!

Long Live Clan Battlehammer!
Magdal Mountainbourne

(OOC - It really is a great bunch of people who are helpful and really do have each other’s back!)


oy whats that i be smelling? ah yes it be good food, strong ale, and the blood of our enemies.

Long Live Clan Battlehammer!
General Nightreaper Assassin of Clan Battlehammer

(OOC- joined CBH 8 or 9 years ago give or take. came from horde myself and havnt regretted it one bit. i first saw CBH when i was in an AV battleground. it was a sight i tell you what. sucked losing hardcore but i had to check them out. AV nights to me are one of the funnist iv had. i would recommend checking us out if you love a light RP pvp/wpvp guild)


We are Clan Battlehammer, vaunted ramriders and mammoth riders! We take Alterac Valley to our name, ridin’ down our enemies wit’ az un thrund, bringing swift justice in th’ King’s name.

I, Korggan, hav’ been fightin’ besides meh kinsdwarfs for 5+ years now. Suffice tah say, I’ve never seen a finer clan gatherin’ anywhere. We are an old community dedicated tah drinkin ale an’ smashin’ horde skulls aplenty! If yer a dwarf an’ find yerself in Azeroth surrounded by enemies and lookin’ fer a friendly face, look no further kin. If yer lookin fer a drinkin’ buddy at Bruuk’s, yehve come tah the right place.

Greenbeards, oldbeards all welcome! We ll teach yeh the ropes, an’ how tah excel fightin’ besides yer shield brother.

Long live King Bruenor an’ the Clan! Long live King Regent Katrell!

  • Longbeard Korggan Helmshowls

Tha’ Clan be a mighty an’ welcomin’ bunch o’ dwarves tha’ take pride in honorable battle. ‘Yeh best be bettin’ on the Battlehammers in any fight, no matter if we’re outnumbered, as we’ll never be outwitted. Tha’ mighty dwarven battle tactics tend tae turn tha’ tide. If yeh be an honorable dwarf tha’ has a yearnin’ ‘fer glorious battle an’ a fair fight… we’re always glad tae have another brother or sister tae fight shoulder tae shoulder with on tha’ frontlines!

Long live King Bruenor Battlehammer! Long live King-Regent Katrell Highmountain! Long live Clan Battlehammer!

  • Mithrildur Sunderstone

Mor’n a Few o us Ironbreakers’ve bled wearin’ a tabbard o Clan Battlehammer an we’d be mor’n ‘appy tae fight alon’side ye all once a’gin! If e’er yer o’erwhelmed by swarms o stinkin’ Horde, Ye can bet e’er last bit o mithril in Ironforge t’at we Ironbreakers’ll muster should Clan Battlehammer call fer aid! Long live Clan Battlehammer!


Goin on ten years mehself. Plenty o’ups an’ doons along tha way but i’m mor’n happy tah be on this peak now. Fierce dwarves beh showin up aroon’ e’re corner an’ we’ve mor’n enough ale tah satisfy yeh if yer lookin fer a place tah call home.

Wpvp is booming, Warsong beh fightin with pretty even numbers an’ theres a treasure under e’re dirt pile i find.

Big salute tah meh brothers an sisters o’Clan Battlehammer, oor old an new allies an enemies alike, an’ tah all o’yeh Emerald Dreamers helpin tah keep it alive. o7


Killin’ Horde is always a good time, but it’s a better time when yer with yer kin! I’ve been with the Hammers now fer a lil’ o’er five years, watchin’ o’er th’ land o’ Azeroth from Blackrock Mountain an’ aidin’ in th’ defense o’ th’ great City o’ Ironforge! Now we’re explorin’ th’ Dragon Isles together and there beh plenty o’ caves. Let’s fill ‘em with dwarves! Beh yeh an honorable an’ dedicated dwarf? Join us as weh rid th’ land o’ Horde and take the caves of the Dragon Isle in the name o’ King Bruenor! Long Live Clan Battlehammer!


Long live Clan Battlehammer!

May yer mug be full and yer days be filled with glorious loot!


Congrats to Clan Battlehammer and long live many more years!


Cheers, Battlehammer. Glad you’re still at it.


If ye be dwarven by lineage an’ like ta split horde skulls open with sharp or blunt objects ‘en ye need ta come an’ see what Clan Battlehammer be all aboot.

I’ll let ye in on a secret if ye promise nae ta tell any o’ Clan Battlehammer’s enemies. I dinna really know how ta use me gun. I just keep on sharpening it ta stab baddies when they be aboot. Clan Battlehammer really does let anyone in as long as they be a dwarf.



So far, a heavy dwarven tankard and a trusty shield do tha trick when tha melee gets tough. Other ‘an that a simple wooden staff works in most cases.

Never hurts to have a few elementals handy.

May the wind be at yer back.

For Azeroth!


May the wind be at yer back.

I wou’ rather ye nae let everyone else know aboot me flatulence problem. Dinna ever stand downwind o’ me though. Ye won’t like what ye smell.


Aye. Should our paths cross down tha road, I’m sure they will, I’ll keep tha’ in mind and bae sure to keep me fire elemental a safe distance away from yae.


If only Dwarven Druids existed… :stuck_out_tongue:


smiles reverently.

Aye lass. Yae dinnae have ta be a Druid tae be kind tae wildlife. Me rucksack was adopted an’ made a home by a squirrel ‘bout three years ago and long before that, me wooden stave became tha preferred perch of a wayward owl. They’ve been with me fer years.

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Long Live Clan Battlehammer!

Blessed in the light, and fightin’ fer King and kind!


Lots o’ new an’ old hammers joined us at our call ta arms yesterday. I ran out of digits to count after using my hands and feet and then convincing Pragus to take of his boots so I could count his too. Plenty o’ room left for other ta join us. Come an’ see what Clan Battlehammer be all aboot.


trust me i 100% wish they did. my fav and top class to play is a druid but i have to suck it up until they add them. just unsure when that will be. they did say every race will be every main class at some point just takes time. one day ill be a dwarf druid.