A Choir of Citrine bugged?

I’ve literally collected all the citrines and I still didn’t get the achievement, in fact I have it equipped on my ring right now.

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The ones you buy don’t count for the achievement. I’m guessing the last one will be available next week form a quest/event. The achievement shows I only have 1 left to get Legendary Skipper’s Citrine.

that doesnt make sense because in order for me to buy it i would still have to earn it right?

Most of them yes.

I believe 3 of the citrine gems are only available from completing the weekly invasion, which is cycling between 3 different invasions. Yes, they added these gems to the vendor, but it doesn’t “count” towards the achievement. The achievement requires you to actually “earn” the citrine, not just purchase it off the NPC.

The achievement should be completable next reset, assuming you’ve done the weekly in the Siren Isles the first two weeks of the patch.

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