"A character with that name already exists"

Every time I attempt to log in, the game shows a loading screen and then kicks me back to the character selection screen with a notice saying “A character with that name already exists”.


This one is typically fixed by logging in another toon and then switching back. I’d give that a shot.

Tried that. I log into the same location and seen this druid standing infront of the Valdrakken guild bank. Now the 2nd character is getting the same message. It seems to happen when I interact with the guild bank. The game becomes unresponsive. Can’t use hearth. Cant take from or give to the bank. Can’t log out unless I tab out and right click to close the application window.

Same thing is happening to me. Two of my toons have become unresponsive after using the guild bank. It SEEMED to happen both times after trying to deposit some cloth to an existing stack.

I forgot to mention that depositing gold was not a problem nor were single items. Just now I tried on yet another toon and dragged some cloth to an empty bank slot and that worked fine.

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Yea it’s definitely the guild bank. Happening on all my characters. Game becomes unresponsive to any interaction unless I restart the game. So long as I stay away from the Guild Bank, I’m good.

Am getting this same issue, when I log into a different char I see , “The bank is being used by another member of your Warband.” on the warband bank. So whatever issues the guild bank has is also on the warband bank.

Happened right after I created a guild (so the guild bank was being created) on the one that can’t log in.

It’s not the guild bank this time. I got the frozen log in progress bar, closed it with alt-tab and X’d out. Now one alt and luckily only one, is giving me that error. Tried switching alts; no luck. I finally uninstalled and reinstalled the Battle net launcher and that worked…

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This just happened to me on one of my alts that I haven’t played in a few weeks and your fix worked

This has happened to me several times as well. I try to log in on the character initially and the game hangs with the progress bar on maximum. If I hard restart the client I then cannot log into that character and get “A character with that name already exists.”

Time sometimes fixes it. Logging into another character does not. Rebooting the computer does not fix it consistently either.

i just had this on my druid i havent been logged for a few days.

i did some of the suggestions but seems the only fix that solved it was updating addons
anyone tried that?

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Still Happening 12/08/24

Twice tonight, within 90 minutes. Seems to be triggered by a looting bug (as in, loot shows up on a fallen target or in a chest but doesn’t appear in inventory after clicking). /reload doesn’t allow for looting, and subsequent enemies can be targeted but not affected. Logging out is also not available as an option, and closing the window locks me out of the character.

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A buddy and I queue up for Timewalking, he goes to loot the boss and everything freezes up, he can’t log out so he Alt-F4s. Attempts to log back in, " a character with that name…" The rest of the party votekicks him, which is fine, votekick passes, new person queues in, cannot enter the instance because “instance is full.” There’s my buddy’s toon, who was votekicked, still there in the instance.

Icing on the cake was I explained it probably wasn’t going to work out, I quit the group, and boom! 30 minute deserter debuff in spite of the fact that we’d killed a boss already and another player had already had to leave the instance.

Really wish this sort of thing didn’t happen. Unfun.

Just had this happen on this toon. After looting the first boss in TW Vault of the Wardens. Looted Tirathon Saltheril, and everything froze. Was able to see everyone else typing. Alt+F4 out of the game and stuck at “a character with that name…” notice. Ended up using the character stuck option. 9:55 PM - 10:00PM MST.

this happened three times today for me

Same here. Turned my account back on a couple months ago. Played classic, cata, and retail, have had no issues this bad until I did that same exact dungeon. More accurately, it happened to me (in Retail) after trying to loot the first boss of the second Legion (Timewalking) dungeon I did. Now it just happened to me again a few hours later while doing the Visions of N’Zoth storyline (was inside of one of the visions when it happened). Last time it happened, I was able to log back in around 10 minutes later (as my character was not properly logged out of the server or something to that affect) and everything seemed fine… Until it happened again, of course.

I am probably wrong, but it seems like it may somehow have something to do with the new set of timewalking dungeons? Just my two cents. Definitely annoying, whatever it is.