Updated recruitment again! Both our hardcore and semi-hardcore teams are recruiting DPS and healers. More specifics in the OP.
Weebs allowed?
Entropy has cleared Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep, landing at realm 3rd for tier 5!
Updated recruitment needs for both teams. Entropy needs shamans, Theory needs DPS and healers (specifics in the OP)!
Both teams are still recruiting. :^)
Recruitment for the hardcore team is now closed.
The semi-hardcore team is currently recruiting a ret paladin, holy paladin, and resto shaman!
Updated recruitment needs for Theory!
Not sure how active the recruitment is but are you currently looking for a Destro/Aff lock?
Apologies, I don’t know how I missed this post. Both teams are currently full on warlocks, sorry.
Theory’s still recruiting for a ret paladin, enh shaman, resto shaman, and holy paladin for anyone interested!
Theory got some progress in and found an enhancement shaman! Still recruiting a ret paladin, resto shaman, and holy paladin for our semi-hardcore team!
Semi-hardcore team is still recruiting! Just need that ret paladin now!
Still got room for a good ret.
Theory is now 8/10! Still looking for a good ret paladin.
Still looking for that ret!
Theory is still in need of a good ret paladin.
Hey, My guild recently disbanded and I’m looking for a new home! I mainly play a ret pally and I’ve been working on a BM hunter alt as of now. I am currently 8/10 on my pally, but willing to play either class!
Theory is now closed for recruitment. Entropy (hardcore) is seeking an elemental shaman!
Hardcore team is looking for an elemental shaman and a survival hunter, semi-hardcore team needs an arms warrior! Apply at the link in the OP if interested!
Still recruiting! Check the OP for current needs.
Recruitment needs updated!
Recruitment needs updated. Theory still needs a couple people!