filled these slots
Just need a resto shaman now.
We had a great first week for the expansion! Gruul’s Lair cleared 3rd on server, Karazhan full cleared 4th!
Updated recruitment needs.
Still going strong. Updated recruitment needs. Filling in a restoration shaman and holy priest for core positions as well as a shadow priest for bench. Apply if interested!
Still recruiting. :^)
LF resto shaman!
Holy priest didn’t work out, got an opening for one!
Still seeking a good holy priest and a boomkin!
Still open for recruitment!
Found our boomy, still got a slot open for a good holy priest!
Still need a good holy priest. Apply in the OP!
LF1M holy priest
Still got room for that holy priest.
Need that holy priest still.
Still recruiting!
Still on the lookout for a good holy priest, also have room for a good hunter.
Found our holy priest! Recruiting a survival hunter, enhancement shaman, and resto shaman.
Recruitment updated, still seeking a good enhancement shaman!
Still recruiting. :^)
Updated recruitment!