AOTC Focused
Roster Focus: DPS
Who are we?
We’re a group that has focused on fostering a fun atmosphere while maintaining our desire to play with like-minded and like-skilled players. We expect everyone to perform their best and be easy to get along with, as we like to think we are.
What do we do?
We’re an AOTC focused raiding guild that likes to have fun & socialize between pulls. We have achieved AOTC each tier within a month or two, max. We also focus on M+ of all levels & some of us like to PvP.
What are we looking for?
We’re looking for good, easy-going, players. To give a more apt breakdown of our “wishlist,” please see our guild website at:
GuildsofWoW → Challengers Burden
We expect everyone to constantly strive to be better. That means staying up to date with class changes & knowing the optimal rotations and specs. Please realize that we’re not going to be overly hardcore but we expect, and hope that you do as well, that all of our times are involved so everyone should want to perform well with that in mind. If everyone puts forth the effort, we can have a great time killing things and wiping less!
We understand that real life stuff happens, especially at most of our ages (20s-40s) but as long as you let us know on Discord that you can’t make it and don’t just ghost us for the night, we won’t really mind.
Discord is the fastest way to get a hold of one of us usually as we aren’t always in game, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t wanting to play WoW!
If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to add any of us listed here in game or on discord. Thanks for taking the time to read this and look forward to hearing from you!
Contact Info
Battletag : GTSChurch#1335
In game char : Krovahriin-Stormrage
Battletag : Ramladu#1794
In game char : Ramladu-Stormrage
Battletag : Corey#1859
Discord : cstraws
In game char : Shiestey-Stormrage