Chain Reaction is an Alliance Lightbringer guild looking for players interested in Raiding 7-9:30 pm PST or run Mythic + dungeons any time! We are a small guild where many of our raiders have been together since Vanilla, with new players joining in each expansion.
We’re currently running Eternal Palace 8/8 Normal and 5/8 Heroic. Additionally, our members always enjoy Islands, old Achievment or Transmog runs, Operation: Mechagon (including H.A.R.D.M.O.D.E.), Regular Mythic dungeons, the occasional battleground, etc.
We’d love to have another healer, but all classes/roles welcome.
Contact Ettyn in-game or at battletag “RowanBeth #1291” , or Knob at battletag “Dune #1837”.