[A] <Certified Fresh> recruiting for Dazar'Alor and M+

We are looking for competent raiders that also like to do m+ as many enjoy doing high keys outside of raid time. We understand that stuff comes up and you may not make every raid, and don’t require 100% attendance.

Raid Times: Tues/Weds @ 7:00pm-10:00pm CST .
Raiders in high demand:

  • Tank: We could use a dedicated skilled tank that grinds the grind to stay competitive/ready and enjoys M+.
  • Dps. Any. Our current roster is 15-18 so we need a few more to not pug mythic. Once we have a 20+ roster again I will get picky.
  • Will also take a healer with a dps OS (or vice versa)

M+ Times: People are usually on during normal waking hours.
M+ in high demand:

  • Tanks and Healers.
  • Will take anyone interested.

Who to contact:

  • Skafest-Sentinels
  • Notmoose-Kirin Tor
  • Ronbergundy-Sentinels
  • Pice-Kirin Tor

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Bump for more tanks and/or healers interested in M+. A druid can be all roles, but not all at once.