[A] <Certified Fresh> Recruiting dps Tues/Wed

We are looking for competent raiders that also like to do m+ as many enjoy doing high keys outside of raid time (7 of the top 20 Alliance on server). We understand that stuff comes up and you may not make every raid, and don’t require 100% attendance.

Raid Times: Tues/Weds @ 7:00pm-10:00pm CST .
Raiders in high demand :

  • Tank: We could use an active main tank that also does M+ or any off-spec tank.

  • Dps. Any. Prefer Hunters, Shamans, Spriests, Warlocks.

M+ in high demand :

  • Prefer M+ Tanks.
  • Will take anyone interested.
  • People are usually running keys during evenings and weekends. There are occasional daytime or late night formations.

Who to contact:

  • Skafest-Sentinels
  • Notmoose-Kirin Tor
  • Ronbergundy-Sentinels
  • Pice-Kirin Tor

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