[A] [Cata] <Tribute> 10/13H 25M Tues/Thurs 9:30pm-1am EST Recruiting

is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that has been a strong community since early classic, many of us have been raiding with each other for years now. We aim to harbor a more laid back environment but are not hesitant to ensure we make efficient use of our time. Majority of us are adults who all share a common theme, we just wanna kill some bosses and drink beer while doing so. Our raiders tend to have a gambling problem, if your on a lucky streak you can end up with more than even the best payouts in a GDKP. If you’re not so lucky, well, sucks to suck.

Since Grobbulus’ population has been dying we’ve decided to call Benediction our home. No, we do not do splits. When stuff is on farm we don’t mind bringing in some alts.

What is our expectations?
Honest communication and a willing to take criticism.
Bring your focus to raid along with consumables, and of course a beer in hand.
While it’s nice to see you sweat and parse, we don’t expect it (but we do expect you to be on par with the rest of the raid)

How was our WoTLK experience?
Ulduar 14/14 | 10/10 HM | Zero Light
Trial of Grand Crusader 4/4 H + 50/50
Icecrown Citadel 12/12 H Pre-nerf

BOT: 4/4N 2/5H
ToTW: 2/2N 1/2H
BWD: 5/6N 5/6H

Raid times
9:30pm-1:00am EST
7:30pm-11:00pm CST
6:30pm-10:00pm PST
3:30pm-7:00pm HST

Loot Distribution
Loot Council
Our loot council is different than others but tends to work quite well. We have a select group of people who are not officers that are our loot council. Despite this, Officers & GM has complete oversight on all discussions and votes. While we can veto and bring up topics that are overseen, we often do a hands off approach and very rarely intercept.

Updated 7/15/2024
Recruitment needs:
Blood DK
Holy Paladin
Elemental Shaman
Feral (OT)
Shadow Priest
Discipline Priest

We’re always open to exceptional players! Don’t be hesitant to reach out if we are not actively recruiting your class!

BTAG: Monday#11420
Discord: monday0420

Still looking for an Ele Shaman?