Live Laugh Loot is seeking to fill a few raid spots as we wrap up this phase and move into Firelands
Who are we?
We’re a friendly bunch, we prioritize Personality>Experience>Gear. The guild’s core has been playing together through WotLK, many of us have played WoW since its original release.
We wanted somewhere fun, casual enough yet progression-minded, and drama-free… so we made that “somewhere” a reality.
We aren’t much of a parse guild, though you can check us out on Warcraft Logs if you’re interested. We use logs to improve week-to-week but don’t have a parse requirement.
5/6H BWD 2/5H BoT 1/2H To4W, We are progression-focused but will not bang our heads into the wall over it. I’d classify us as casual+, perhaps that’s semi HC? Maybe it’s Dadcore? We prioritize fun but do seek progression and heroic content.
Raiders are provided enchants, gems, consumables(flasks food pots), repairs, and anything needed for the raid. We run on a soft reserve system and don’t stress much over loot, this is a game we all play for fun after all and until we are hitting enrage timers, it isn’t a gear issue.
Our core roster is fairly stable, however, we have some inconsistencies weekly and would like to recruit a few more people, specifically looking for healers (disc with holy os preferred) Full on Paladins. Open to Rdruid, Rsham and Hpriest but really looking for that superstar Disc priest <3
Main 25m is Tuesday/Wednesday, in Firelands we will have a second run Thursday 7-10pm also for any overflow/bench/absences/alts.
We always have room for more in the guild and use a rotating bench for core progression. We have an active discord, any given time of day there are generally 5+ people just hanging out doing dungeons, farming, or just shooting the breeze.
We do alt runs and old content frequently.
If you’re interested, please reach out to me in game. Battletag eudy#1341