[A] [Cata] [Atiesh] <Magister Mortalis> 1/13H 10M Tues/Fri/Sun 5:00pm Server Time

Magister Mortalis is a small laid back raiding guild who is starting to build a dedicated raiding team to begin to tackle heroic content. Raiders can expect to raid for 3 hours a night to try to progress though the heroic content.

Don’t need to be a pro player to join. We will do one lockout as a trial and see how you parse and execute.

Loot is distributed simply as MS>OS as an open roll. Tier pieces will only go to those who don’t have a 4 piece yet until everyone on that token has it in which it becomes open roll again.

We are currently:
BoT 4/4N 1/5H
BWD 6/6N 0/6H
To4W 2/2N 0/2H

The classes and specs we’re currently recruiting for are:

Elemental shaman
Feral druid (tank)
Discipline priest

If you are interested, then please contact me at:
Battletag: Vault#11820
Discord: eresarius_68412