A Casual's Perspective on Remix

Hey everyone! Well, there certainly seems to have been some… controversy over Remix the past few days. So I’m just gonna step right on over that.

I’ve been playing Remix for the past few days and been having some fun! I figured I’d give some thoughts on it in the wild chance there is a Blizzard dev or community manager who puts on a hazmat suit and wades through this forum because, my goodness, there’s a lot of feelings about it and not a lot of them are good. I thought Plunderstorm was bad, but jeez.

Anyhoo, here’s some of my thoughts regarding Panda Remix!

Good Stuff First:

  1. Having access to heroics and normal raids super early is awesome and being able to compete with damage due to scaling is even better feeling. Being a lowbie trying out your class for the first time and doing well pressing arcane blast a bunch feels amazing. No rotation necessary. No actions per minute. You push the button and the boss dies. Hurray!
  2. Being able to buy cosmetics with a universal currency and every single activity you do rewarding said currency is beautiful. I wish that was something that would carry over into retail. Truly. It’s a good idea.
  3. A constantly scaling cloak that gets better and better and makes you stronger and stronger as you play the game feels really good. Just watching your stats slowly tick up gives you an IV of Dopamine.
  4. Fast paced leveling means I can play as many alts as I want to see what I like for TWW and have a fully stacked warband of alts for the expansion while also playing an expansion I missed out on because I was focusing on getting into college during MoP’s release. I am a pleased dwarf.

The Bad Stuff Now

  1. You feel like hot dog water at level 70 compared to your scaling at lower levels. Your damage goes down the toilet. You get smacked super hard. It makes the experience much less fun.
  2. Sure, you can upgrade gear at 4,500 bronze for one piece. One. And that’s just the head piece, my weapon is 9,000 bronze for one upgrade level. To upgrade all of my gear to 360, I need to throw away 38,530 Bronze.

38,530 is an obscene amount of Bronze to ask to upgrade temporary gear for a temporary game mode to do temporary things, Blizzard. This is for O N E level of upgrading. You can’t even do heroics by throwing away this Bronze, which is the point.

Like, you want to know why people farmed frogs? That’s why. This is actually toxic from a development level. I can’t think of a better word to describe such a genuinely terrible farm. By the time you hit level 70, your odds of getting into normal raids to farm Bronze from bosses also drops because your scaling drops as well, meaning you are borderline forced to drop this bronze on upgrading your gear and for the most part it’s blue gear, not epic-level, meaning once you get epic level gear, you get to do it all over again.

This. Needs. A nerf.

You can’t expect people to drop this ludicrous amount of Bronze on their gear to complete all the content and get all of the cosmetics. It’s genuinely a treadmill that may be on par with bug farming back in Silithus but without the reward of a really cool bug mount.

If you’re going to get rid of the hyperspawns for farming this, you need at minimum a 50% nerf to the upgrade cost. People are going to lose interest in doing Heroic and higher content with a barrier to entry this intense for a CASUAL. GAMEMODE.

Is this a Casual Gamemode, Blizzard? Because as I’ve played it, as I’ve pugged, it seems more and more like a sweat factory. I’ve done +10 keys in the base game on my main and even those are more fun and lighthearted than Pandaria Remix when Bronze is on the line.

You genuinely, GENUINELY, need to fix this Bronze exchange rate. If we can’t grind our faces off in a hyperspawn like people did with frogs, then people are just going to tell heroic raids to get bent, get the cosmetics they want, and log off forever. That’s not fun because Pandaria Remix brings a lot of neat ideas to the table.

This isn’t 2006 anymore. We don’t need a High Warlord farm factory anymore.