Hello. I returned to playing wow a while ago, and did some stint back on Classic, but decided that I like Dark Iron Dwarves and Void Elves, so I started a char on Alliance.
After stopping hardcore raiding around WOTLK, came back to BFA and got to Raid and do Mythic+ casually on my Horde characters until 8.1, then took a break, but right now I am looking for a guild that can provide some help leveling/farming reps for Allied races, and eventually go back to events, campaign and mythic runs. I don’t see myself running a lot of raids, but I know my way around optimizing a character, simcrafting and all that jazz if needed.
If anyone know a guild interested in that, lmk, here or look for me in game.
I prefer people that are mature (intelectually) and if possible LGBTQ+ friendly and non fascist/alt/extreme-right. I try to avoid politics talk in-game and discord, but I won’t stay quiet or around if I see discriminatory/abusive/etc behavior happening. I am pretty chill tho, after a certain age you stop being radical about anything and just want to sit down and play.