"A calling in (covenant)" quest not properly abandoning when changing covenants

The quest “A calling in Ardenweald” does not properly abandon when you change to a different covenant. This is a problem because, since its a campaign quests, it is not able to be manually abandoned and is stuck in your quest log.


I have this issue as well.

I also have this issue.

I switched to Venthyr and was able to get super close :pinching_hand: to the quest turnin NPC using Door of Shadows, but the auto-kickout for non-covenant members has defeated me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I have the same problem. Hope it gets fixed

I am having the same problem. I moved over to nercolords and can not get rid on the calling for Arden.

I noticed in the patch notes today that the issue was fixed. I wanted to come back here and say it’s still broke on mine. I can not abandon the quest… and I can’t turn it in because it’s no longer my covenant.

Same issue here, I have opened a support ticket and I’ll see if they can remove the quest from my log.

Same problem still, I was hoping that they fixed it with the server reboot but hell no.

Let me know if you get anywhere with a support ticket. They gave me a copy and pasted answer about add ons (even though I don’t use any) and how I should turn them off. If that doesn’t work I’m to submit a bug report. And they closed my ticket.

Received an automated response on my ticket, escalated it. Today I noticed that the quest was gone from my quest log. No other response to my ticket yet, but hey it’s fixed! If you still have the quest I’d suggest opening a ticket of your own.