"A call to Revendreth" keeps respawning

what the title says, ive done it twice and it keeps coming back in my covenant log.


Yeah having the same thing happen

yepperz happing to me aswell

Same here… I just don’t want to get banned for exploit or whatever…


Yeah same Bankey

same, i didn’t realize this may be a bug until the 3rd time

Same thing happens to me, this is the third time it shows up, but I don’t want to abuse it as tempting as it is.

Kyrian here. I noticed it happens when you log out.

not just log out but hitting a load screen

I have the same problem as well, it seems to be the quest itself not necessarily a specific covenant or race or anything. When I logged to another toon and back again it keeps resetting. I did it twice too thinking it was just bugged at first, but the third time it popped up I realized something was wrong.

Same thing. I did it before quest reset this morning. Then I had it again after reset. Just logged on again and I’ve gotten it again now.