1 2 click… “Everyone out drop your ques everyone drop your ques”
“requeing in a minute”
“Everyone drop your ques”
Oh its a full 35 everyone take your ques.
1 2 click… “Everyone out drop your ques everyone drop your ques”
“requeing in a minute”
“Everyone drop your ques”
Oh its a full 35 everyone take your ques.
People fresh to PVP gameplay tend to favor large scale PVP matches anyways. It’s a relatively soft learning environment for people who are still learning their classes and meta game.
You see this happen all the time in other games- in RTS’s like Warcraft 3 and Company of Heroes the most popular game modes far and away are 4v4 random team and 3v3 random team.
Even though the games are explicitly balanced around 1v1 and 2v2.
Blizzard already turned off raid queuing for EBG’s. They explicitly stated they didn’t want premade teams farming pugs. They also blocked addons that automated the queue process across accounts to make queue syncing easy.
Anyone using any mod or trick to sync queues is violating the TOS. And when people committed much smaller offenses to make PVE encounters easier… they got banned.
Just so we’re on the same page here. Pretty much the only defense for queue syncing is that Blizzard has always had a lazy attitude towards PVP and generally doesn’t want to step in and regulate it’s own community, even when that community is trying to justify behavior and tactics that are incredibly corrosive to itself. That’s basically why Blizzard hasn’t dropped a hammer on you people even though you’re objectively engaging in behavior that would get you banned anywhere else in the game.
Are you syncing your queue with more than four other players, or are you not? If you’re queue syncing to bring an entire raid worth of people into BG’s, you’re fulfilling all the functions of cheating because the only way to counter play that is to pre-suppose everyone is doing it and do it yourself.
And of course that introduces it’s own problem where sync’d EBG teams frequently hate fighting other sync’d teams and will dodge queues rather than fight them, dooming whoever back fills that EBG to a virtually unwinnable BG. Which was one of the explicit reasons Blizzard gave for why they were disabling raid queues and mods that automated queue syncing.
So why not ask for a structured team EBG queue? That’s basically what we had to do back in '04 if you weren’t in a larger server. Scarlet Crusade had a strong Alliance favor so we had to coordinate queue times with the Horde to make sure there was enough people for a BG to even start.
The lack of reading comprehension is wild.
Three or four people ending up in the same EBG isn’t an exploit.
Getting 35 people into an EBG absolutely is. The only reason Blizzard would be opposed to it is that they don’t want to have to spend the dev time writing an MM system that fixes the problem.
That’s 99% of why Blizzard hates the PVP community. Most of their dev time spent on PVP isn’t doing anything fun, it’s wrapping the community in bubble wrap because they’d cut themselves on all their edge without the 50 layers of it.
Forums mods don’t make rules sorry not sorry.