Hello. I am Alviss Grymbledwarf, Esq. and it’s a pleasure to participate in these forums.
So as I’ve been making the rounds between Stormwind, Darkshire, Dorngoal, etc., I began to wonder about things after seeing so many TRP profiles simply stating “casual RP” and nothing else.
My curious question to all of you is simple:
Is casual RP making a comeback, ya know, casually and what is your personal take on what casual RP is, or should be, or maybe, what it shouldn’t be?
Just casually curious.
I thought casual RP was a colloquialism for something else.
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Wanna rp holding hands, Enekie?
I’ll warn you. I’m pretty intense.
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I am gunna start practicing now.
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coughs uncomfortably
I’m not sure where this is going but it’s enough to drive a dwarf to drinking and I refuse to lose the top hat and monocle to participate in casual RP.
Beers anyone?
I generally think of a “casual RPer” as a person who is not interested or not able to be involved in long term story lines. Like people who just aren’t able/willing to make a large commitment of time for big or long stories or story arcs. When I get around to adding TRP back, I’ll be on the casual RP train. I like Rp, I want to RP… but I just don’t have the time to get involved in anything right now. So I do some chitchat here and there, or something like rping my black smithing with NPCs to had some back ground flavor for people who like immersion - though I have don’t that in quit a while.
Somebody get that guy “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor to properly motivate him while practicing hand holding. We can’t let him fail.
Casual to me sounds like walk up or tavern RP. No real plots, not IC every minute. Probably not grim-dark. More likely to be slice of life. The RP guilds I saw in Classic and Hardcore were more casual. It was like go have a drink and chat.
*Snorts and startles awake! *
Oh sorry I was just reading your description…
*Yaaaaawn! Resumes hand holding practice. *
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I tend to lean towards rather goofy, chit chatty sort of RP. Players either love or hate Sadgati, not much go-between. If everyone loved my character, it would probably be boring, even to me. Finding someone who has the inclination and interest to be deeply involved with my character is a hard get. The non-issue with Sadgati is she is not homosexual whereas it seems many players (70% or so) have gay characters. In character, she really does not care if someone is gay; she just will not want to get romantically involved with another female. This is where RP often ends because other player loses interest. Some say join a house guild. The main issue is such a guild for this character makes zero sense.
I mark myself as a casual RP’er because I’m only IC when I want to be. I do have longer storylines going, but for the most part I’m just here to chill. If you approach me with RP while I’m out in the world and not actively RP’ing, I will probably point out that I’m here farming mats for the guild and that you should probably find someone that’s actually IC.
I’ve always wondered how ‘casual rp’ was defined colloquially so this thread is right up my alley.
My interpretation of casual is how I would interpret someone saying they are a casual game player.
I don’t do mythic RP, log in every day, committing several hours a night to interconnected prose with other people building a deep and fun interactive story.
I do casual RP, I log in intermittently and I’m happy to hang out and shoot some slice of life ez pz silly RP with folks but I’m not committed enough to anything more than that.