BsM 17/17 (3 Drake) semi hardcore raiding guild on Pagle.
Phase 2 Recruitment is in full swing!!
Our core is built up from former higher end guilds with players that have extensive knowledge of the WOTLK content. We have developed a great chemistry while keeping a fun but strict raiding environment. Our goal is top 20 server, while not overburdening ourselves with drama. We have an atmosphere that we believe can rival anywhere else.
Raid Schedule (EST Server Time):
•Tuesday: 8pm-11pm (25m clear)
•Wednesday: 8pm-11pm (2nd 25m Clear)
•Thursday: 8pm-11pm (10m P2)
Expectations / Requirements: We require our roster to know the class they play and have proper raiding professions as well. We expect that our raiders have integrity above all else, we are all adults and expect the same level of respect you show others in the real world. With us having a 2-3 day schedule and doing multiple clears. We ask you treat each “alt” as if it was your main. We get that it is a game, however no one is above this requirement.
Some Highlights:
- We have multiple overall 99% players. (a few top 3 server)
- Competitive Clear times (Top 100 Server)
- Weekly GDKP
NOTE: We do expect you to maintain one RAID READY alt.
Attendance is mandatory (we all get it life happens, just tell us and we can work it out).
Loot: We do a loot council. We ask that you use thatsmybis This is for complete transparency (this is a must). We don’t wish to make it about nonsense and spend wasted time during raid.
Our Current Needs
Mage - Arcane with a Fire Swap into P2
Shaman - Enhance and Resto
Hunter - All
Priest - Disc
Paladin - Holy
Any Outstanding Players if you are good at your class we want you regardless of spec.
Warcraft logs are required for a trial into BSM, if you can not provide this we will not be interested in you.
Contact the recruitment Officer Below in Discord or in Game:
Recruitment - oreange#9062
Or someone in BSM can help you find an officer!