A break from covenants : Dual Classing

While I understand that this would be a maniac challenge, but since they have invented convenants we’ve been told basicly that they were ready to balance class specific covenants, and to treat them as class. (Which they’re clearly not.)

This is a possible concept of dual classing, and what it would mean for the game.

First, dual classing is there to add, not to remove. The point for me wouldn’t be to allow everyone to be whatever combo he wants just to add some intricacies with some new liberties, not all liberties. So I see it more as having 2 classes linked together, with or without a spec that could gather from each class. A spec that would often be something that the community have wanted in some form.

Mage + Priest
Prophet (dps hybrid)

Earth Protector (tank hybrid)

Demon hunter + hunter
Fel Warden/Fel Hunter (ranged dps)

Death knight + warlock
Necromancer (ranged dps hybrid)

Rogue + Monk
Blademaster (melee dps)

Warrior + Paladin
Lord/Warlord (melee dps hybrid)

So each of those classes would have access to the other class in full way, and could have access to a new spec or an idea similar to what I’ve shown.

I could foresee this in the Lore as:

World of Warcraft : Legends of the Past
After having vanquished death itself, we have found out from what death was getting her power. From Azeroth old champions that got captured after their death. Their souls so powerful that it would make any realms tremble.

-Meet Grom Hellscream former Blademaster, ready to imbue the champions of Azeroth knowledge and training from his former days.
-Meet Cairne Blood Hoof former Earth Protector, ready to …
-Meet Cordanna Felsong former Warden that has fallen to the fel, ready to…
-Meet Kel’thuzad grandiose necromancer that never give up… ready to instruct…
-Meet Medivh that even death didn’t stop him from interfering with the mortal world of Azeroth but finally got caught. No one escape death. His power still exist and his ready to share it.
-Meet Anduin Lothar, champion of the Alliance and best sword that ever has existed. His hate for the fel is known and he has made it his specialty to fight agaisn’t it and to bolster his allies. He will train you.

This for me would be building up and amplifying the classes as we known.

*basicly the new specs would mix spells that looks like or are kinda the same from the classes it got blended. Also since it wouldn’t be a complete class added, it wouldn’t require as much development time (it would only be an additional spec). But yes this would still be an insane challenge.


Mage + Warrior = Magic Gladiator.

You’ve got to be joking.

No way is Blizzard capable of dual classing.


Yes that’s why I’m basicly trying to keep it as low effort as possible xd

Super cool idea and actually do-able, if Blizz wanted. Sure, it’s very unlikely but awesome at the same time. Make 10 class quest lines like artifact weapons and at the end, you’re granted two iconic skills and a passive from that class until the end of the expansion. Balance would be terrible, but Blizz usually leans toward fun over balance anyways.

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Interesting concept. Honestly I think the biggest issue would be how current classes/specs interact. Sure you could give them all the abilities of both classes (like suggested) but even giving a spec all its other class abilities would honestly result in poor interactions (as we are seeing with the poor pruning in SL).

Ultimately the class/spec combo would have to be an entirely reworked class unto itself.
With Vanilla/classic design it would possibly be more doable, but current design is unfortunately difficult.

I’d imagine a system similar to rebirths etc would be more reasonable where instead you inherit a few key things from a class instead but pretty much retain original class identity. This could be additional effects that boost your class, or singular abilities.

Like for your Warrior/Pally example perhaps their defensive gains the offensive shield from shield of vengeance, or perhaps they simply gain access to Blessing of Freedom, or perhaps some form of interaction like Art of War/DP where you get resets on Rampage or something.

I definitely like the concept though, especially as someone who is often wanting to play a class but wishes that it had access to a healing option.

It’s more like the combination of the 2 classes would use spells that look very much the same. Hence why Blizzard wouldn’t create those classes as standalone as most of it’s concept is too close to another. It’s like a blend with some more sprinkles added.

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Might I suggest a Warlock/Demon Hunter combo? They already ninja’d some of our abilities anyway, might as well grab 'em back.

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I thought of it, but wouldn’t it just be more of the same ? :stuck_out_tongue: Dhs basicly are asking for a ranged spec for a long time (comparable to d3 demon hunter) I feel, that’s what I’m getting at.

I suppose it would all depend on how it was implemented. Heck, if they really wanted to, they could combo rogues and pallies in a way that would somehow make sense. Or sense enough for gameplay purposes, anyway.

Anyway, it’s all good :slight_smile: I like your imagination, man, keep it up!

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Yeah Warden is definitely the way to go with those combos imo. A mid range glaive throwing class would be sick. Have the range like ~20 yrd, keep some mobility like DH, but have like traps as well (since they are essentially hunter/jailors to a degree).

Honestly would make a better concept than the current survival hunter in my opinion lol.

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I mean, you’re setting the bar very low. xd

Haha, I mean more that even instead of as an additional class it could also easily take the place of current survival and pull of its theme better lol.

Oh boy, you ready to get two classes done badly at the same time?

As a Protection Warrior you can Intervene (equivalent of charge) allies or enemies. So a Magic Gladiator would be a Flag carrier dream:

Blink, Intervene, Blink, Intervene, Heroic Leap, …

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A warrior with frozen nova…

Sure why not. Things cant really get any worse right?

Blizzard couldn’t balance symbiosis, how the hell are they gonna balance this

I mean it can’t be worse than corruptions balancing right? xd Probably would take a bit to do, but this would be adding like 6 new specs. I think with proper time to test, it could be doable.

The problem with symbiosis was that it worked with every single class. While I’m going for some specific dual class, I feel that this is the best way to do it for Blizzard if they would do it.

Paladin + Hunter = inquisitor.

Ranged holy dps healing tank with angelic pets.


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