[A] Brand New to WoW, and Looking for a Home

Hi Folks,

As the title would suggest I am new player to WoW and am looking for a good community to get in with while I level. I am looking to do PvP and maybe some hardcore PvE when I am done leveling.

A few friends and I had decided to jump into WoW in the new year, but I am the only one who resubscribed after the first month, so here is where I am. I played a few level 110 trials and settled on Shaman for my main character.

Looking forward to meeting some of you, cheers!


Hello there! Welcome to Emerald Dream! Here is the alliance discord (rp discord, but many non rpers are in it as well). Loads of events are planned in it, and its a good place to seek help. [Alliance discord]discordapp. com/invite/ 9kjuD6P (just remove the spaces)
Otherwise, welcome to Emerald dream (again).


Thank you very much

Greetings Agramont.

Before delving into Emerald dream business, let us clarify a few points regarding pve and pvp. The leveling experience in WoW is mostly done solo. If you join a big enough guild, there will be a few people who may run pve dungeon content with you, but questing in general (the more efficient leveling route) is mostly relegated to solo experience without irl friends. Certain guilds will provide repair support for leveling toons, but guilds and communities mostly cater to engaging endgame pvp and pve content. When you hit that 120, you will more or less be able to run more challenging content with guildies, such as raids, dungeons and bgs as an avid pvper.

On the realm side of matters, Emerald dream is a server known for its world pvp and rp. While pvp communities are mostly a very small pool of WoW players where the barrier to entry is high and requires years of experience, the wpvp community is massive and you will find players very keen in fighting against the enemy faction in the open world. To my understanding, there really isn’t a whole lot of guilds that do challenging pvp, and these guilds mostly invite people with prior high-end pvp experience.

Good news on the pve side though! Emerald dream has tons of guilds that do weekly raids. From smaller guilds that run once a week to more enthusiastic guilds that run multiple raid teams from 6-8 hours a week, there are plenty of pve guild options in Emerald dream.

Hope you have a pleasant stay, and find the community engaging and cooperative.


Being a dwarf on ED, I would suggest looking into Clan Battlehammer for a guild choice.