A boy finally meets a girl

How do you like your sushi? raw or UwU?

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I just like sushi.

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Thats just amazing OwO

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Unsure if being serious but uh
 don’t get all caught up in the fact that she is a girl.

Treat her like you would treat any person you want to meet and talk too; get to know them first and then once comfortable from there you can ask if they want to get some food or do something later and exchange phone numbers.

Just make sure that you took a shower recently, brushed your teeth, put on some deodorant, and I recommend some light cologne; dress nice + slightly messy hair or dress a bit casual and have clean hair, both clean or messy makes you look “too much”.

Depending on how you approach them and how well you know them you can ask how their day is going, what are they planning to do on the weekend, or just be super blunt and straight to the point “Hey , I was wondering if you wanted to go catch a movie this weekend and or hang out”.



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W-well met


They could say nice tail
unless its a worgen :rofl:

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You posted this here because of me didn’t you. :unamused:

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Nooooo. Noooo. I would never :kissing:

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Never trust a Vulpera. :upside_down_face:

/Ve laugh as a fox



I dunno, that never happened to me. I can’t help you there, champ, sorry.

As a great dwarf one said:

“Aren’t you going to search me? I could have anything down my trousers.”


I would go up to her and say “Do you know wheres the nearest Starbucks?” :coffee:

Hey gurl what your name is? What dat thang do?

“Holy sh*, you weren’t a catfish like I thought you were!”
(In his mind.)
 You’re here
(To her.)

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breaded and deepfried.

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I dont like sushi. ah!

 you got no beard on ya

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Everytime I see a big strong Orc or Tauren lady, I just tell them their thighs are amazing and ask what they could crush between them. Sadly they almost never understand me because I’m Alliance. :persevere: