[A] <Boop> [Frostmourne] RECRUITING for Normal raids. **WE NEED TANKS!***

Still have DPS and HEALS spots open for SL Heroic raiding.
Might be full on tanky tanks, but who can say for sure this far out! :slight_smile:

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perfect Raid times for me what classes and roles are you looking for for SL?

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Raid roster is not yet set in stone, but it is pretty much full.

Doors are always still open for casual players, key runners, and peeps that just enjoy the social aspect!
So roll whatever toon you prefer and come join us!

Would rather some donuts myself :slight_smile:

Still some DPS Spots for raids. Nothing guaranteed though until we actually get to that end game goodness :slight_smile:

There will be no Ooking the Dooker. Just as an FYI.

Prepatch is almost upon us!

Raid team is fullish! Always room for back ups, casuals, M+ runners, and everything in between.

And as stated, if we get enough, we will split into two teams!

hi, any mage slots open? returning player currently LF home for shadowlands

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Hey there Chucks, while on paper the team is mostly full, we always welcome active players.
Can not make any guarantees on raid spots at this time, but as we are a long way out from actually raiding, anything can, and most likely will happen!

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Have your raid days been confirmed?

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Not 100% confirmed, but will definately be on the weekend, Either Fri/Sun or Sat/Sun starting at 6:30PM server time(AEDT)

Its almost here. The Shadowlands.

Looking for more for Normal raids!

Come get some BOOPS!

Currently 3/10 Normal, needing more peeps to fill out the roster, to push through normal, and onto heroic!

Boop shoopa doop doop.

Tanks WANTED!!!