[A - Bloodsail Buccaneers] <Shadow Hunters Society> Casually hardcore social, leveling, chill raiding looking to grow

Hey guys, gals and everything in between.

As the title says we are looking for members to come and have fun with us! The usual hang out, chat, complain about real life while avoiding it and escaping to run stuff in game. No real requirements other than the usual don’t be a jerk. We are pretty small atm since most of our old vanilla friends either said they were coming and are dragging their feet or decided to roll on a pvp server :(. We are hoping to make new memories with friends both new and old.

the guild itself is non rp but rp supportive (we don’t have a story and it’s not required to rp at all but if that is your thing we would still love to have you and hear about your story ideas) and we are mainly looking just to add a mass of people and eventually raid without being nitpicky on comp or builds. just get out and have fun. We do have a quirk of wanting to be slightly oldschool and keeping most communication to chat, voice is only officially supported for raid content as an homage to good old classic.

we were originally on Silver Hand in vanilla and have a presence on MG in retail so we have been around a long time. Feel free to contact us here or in game (if there is a member online they can invite or text someone who can) and we really hope to play with you!

We have brought in some amazing members and are still looking!