[A] Blaumeux <INDECISION> (PvE/PvP) Is Recruiting!


PVE/PVP(A) NA Blaumeux

Who Are We?

Indecision is a group of like-minded individuals looking to clear content in Classic and have a great time doing it! Our core are all experienced Vanilla and Retail raiders. Our goals are to clear content in a timely manner (finish all content while it is current) and do it in a relaxed, but focused atmosphere.

What Are We Looking For?

We’re looking for Raiders who can be dedicated, meet our raid times, and be a positive presence in our community. Ideally we are looking for players who are going to be leveling up as quickly as possible, because we aim to be starting Molten Core in 3-4 weeks. Players who enjoy killing bosses in a fun, relaxed but knowledgeable atmosphere will have a good home in <Indecision>.

Loot System

Let’s talk about loot! Here at <Indecision>, we believe strongly in a fair, transparent loot system. In that light, we will be using a DKP system with a transparent Loot Council for important items that can’t be left up to DKP. That includes, but is not limited to Main Tank gearing, Legendaries, and Epic Class Items.


As far as pvp goes we are looking to be competitive and supportive of our members who wish to rank. We are going to prioritize PvE over PvP during progression. Once we have content on farm, we will be organizing World PvP events, and farming honor in Phase 2 for those interested in ranking early. During Phase 3 we will add Premade BG’s and World PvP events, and reduce our raid nights as we get content on farm. We are planning on Thursday nights being progression nights, with the plan to have all new content cleared within 2 weeks of release.

Raid Times:

Thursday/Sunday/Monday 6pm-9pm PST (9pm-12pm EST)

Recruitment Priority:

Tanks: Medium
DPS: High
Healers: High

(Discord link) discord.gg/PmkHrFt
If no one responds to you on discord, reach out to:
(GM) @eljefe20#7513
(Recruitment Officer) @bed#1052
(Supply Officer) @CiscOH#9320


I think you guys have the right idea going for a quiet realm. Good luck!

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Your welcome to come along!

Bump decisively

Sprucelee HA! I love it.

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Aaand Blammo! Bumped.

I got gooseBUMPs just thinking about playing Classic WoW!

Looking for either a Horde or Alliance Guild on Blaumeux! I am available for the following raid days & times: Every other Wednesday, Every Thursday/Friday/Saturday at ANY time. Day or Night.

I am NA - PST. I am also open to the following Classes/Roles: Warrior-Tank/DPS, Rogue, Warlock, Priest-Heals or preferably the designated Spriest, or lastly a Druid Heals or preferably the designated Off-Tank Druid.

My professions on one of these specified class/specs will be firstly, Skinning/Herbalism while leveling and will swap to Herbalism/Alchemy at 60 if this matters to the Guild at this point in time.
I am also BIG into PvP and will be making an alt fully dedicated to PvP. Will play the classes listed above as well.

My btag is Buggy#1550. I have the first 5 days off from work following the release of Classic and will be making my way to 60 ASAP. Need guild ASAP! Or AT LEAST a very high pop / active leveling / dungeon pre-BIS farming guild!

Bump bag, like a fanny pack but cooler

Look at that, a bumptious bump!

Bump! Reserve your spot today!

A big boy bumped a bad black bear before the baby bunnies bounced below the bough!

Bump! Get in to secure a spot in a guild for launch!

I’ll be logging on promptly at 6PM (EDT) on Monday as Mickdagger :muscle:

Bumping tunes before the big day!

BUUUUMP to the top

Bump for Launch Day! We are almost home!

I’m so in boys

bump 4:35 to launch