Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders
4/9M - 9/9H
Would love to add a few more to our roster for flexibility. Can see our most up to date needs on wowprogress.
GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord
Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders
4/9M - 9/9H
Would love to add a few more to our roster for flexibility. Can see our most up to date needs on wowprogress.
GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord
We killed the troll.
We’re 6/9 H .
I updated it.
Need a few more to round out the mythic roster.
Looking for some talented individuals to round out the roster.
Always recruiting talented individuals for our roster.
Boom, it’s the weekend.
Looking for more for prog
Still recruiting, looking for strong ranged dps and possibly a healer.
Bump for Grong Prog
Winston is dead
Looking for strong DPS (ranged preferred) for prog