Looking for a few more serious proggers
Looking for a mage or solid RDPS
Updated with current progress.
Would love a few more good dps interested in Mythic
Looking for a few more!
Always looking for a few more good dps interested in Mythic
Still looking for a few more dps to join the raid team.
Would love a few more dps that wants to get some gear and down some bosses together!
Looking for some more decent dps and possibly a Holy Pally (they are delicious)
Still looking for a few more.
Now recruiting a HPal.
Looking for a few more
Looking for some more DPS! All kinds welcome!
Updated with 4/10M. Looking for a DK and Holy Pally!
Still looking for a few more dps.
Looking for a few more dedicated raiders
Still looking for great players!
Always looking for a few more!
Always looking for more
Still looking for some more to fill out the mythic roster.