Looking for a few more prog raiders and fill ins!
Still looking for more DPS!
Would love a few more good dps interested in prog!
Looking for more~
Looking for a few more
Still looking for a few more.
Still looking for a few more to join the raid team.
Looking for a few more fill ins or prog raiders!
Looking for more raiders to kick Sylvanus in the feet and butt!!!
Looking for more to do raid stuffs.
Looking for some more!
Still looking for more peeps to throw bosses down and stomp them!
Always open for those looking for a home!
Looking for more
Still looking for some more.
You guys LF Hpal?
@Béaumont: We would be interested in trying you out. I sent you an in game invite to our Wednesday heroic run if you’re interested. 6:45 PM Central Time.
Always lookin for more!
Now looking for an amazing priest!
Always looking for more!