Looking for a few more people. Would love someone who can do mechanics and still beat our maniac Demon Hunter in DPS
Looking for a few more
Still looking for RDPS (mage!)
Updated with our current progress.
Would love a few good dps
Looking for a few more casual or prog raiders welcome!
Still looking for some more
Looking for a few more good dps!
Would love a few more good dps
Would love a few more dps, lets all get some gear and down some bosses together!
Still looking for a few more dps.
Looking for a few more fill-ins and prog raiders!
Looking for some more good, fun, dps and possibly a Holy Pally (they are delicious)
Still looking for a few more to fill in our mythic raid roster.
Updated: Looking for HPal
Always looking for a few more dedicated people
Looking for some more DPS! All kinds!
Now 4/10M. Looking for H pally and DPS DK!
Still looking for some more dps. We would love a dk.
Always looking for more