Blackrock Ventures | Pagle | Alliance
Blackrock Ventures is a “Semi-Hardcore” guild focused on quickly and efficiently clearing content while bearing in mind the ultimate goal is to enjoy the game. Our team consists of experienced, yet laid back and friendly players, most of which have played WoW since Vanilla. Our goal is to clear all content WotLK has to offer, including hard and heroic modes.
Raid Schedule / Loot System
25 person raids: Tuesday 8:30-11:30 p.m. (EST) / Wednesday 8:30-11:30pm (EST)
Multiple 10 person raids throughout the week
Loot System: RCLootCouncil (for main 25 raids)
Raid Mindset: Semi-Hardcore
Recruitment needs:
Considering skilled DPS in the following roles:
Ranged dps - Shadow Priest, Hunter, or Affliction Warlock
More About Us:
Most of our current raid members have played the game together since Classic launched, and transferred to Pagle shortly before WotLK launched. We’ve all been playing WoW for a long time (perhaps longer than we care to admit?), many going back to Vanilla, and have a laundry list of achievements.
Optional 10 and 25 man alt runs organized throughout the week, covering P1-P4 content. If you enjoy raiding on alts with a guild group, you’ll fit in nicely!
We’re interested in meeting folks who: (1) enjoy researching their class and raid strategies, (2) enjoy clearing content at a steady pace, and (3) take WoW for what it is - a game.
Raid members are expected to have appropriate gems, enchants, consumables, professions, etc. for each raid. Regular and predictable raid attendance on main raid days (Tuesday/Wednesday) is important. Above all else, we expect each member to respect one another.
Competitive salary and benefits not offered, but it’ll be a good learning experience.
Message me on discord if interested - Jurdge#8154