Blackrock Ventures | Pagle | Alliance
Like working in a fast-paced, life-threatening, and rapidly changing environment? Then join Blackrock Ventures for WotLK 25-person raiding! Our business casual raid team consists of mature members who like to clear content and pump numbers while maintaining a laid-back and lighthearted atmosphere.
Raid Schedule / Loot System
25 person raids: Tuesday 8:30-11:30 p.m. (EST) / Wednesday 8:30-11:30pm (EST)
10 person raids throughout the week
Loot System: thatsmybis based system
Raid Mindset: Business Casual (Semi-Hardcore)
About Us:
Blackrock Ventures was formed with one key goal in mind: enjoy the game. Most of our current raid members have played the game together since Classic launched, and transferred to Pagle just before the server lock to continue on into WotLK. In case you’re wondering, sure, we’ve all been playing WoW for a long time, many going back to Vanilla, and have a laundry list of achievements.
We’re interested in meeting folks that: (1) enjoy researching their class and raid strategies, (2) enjoy clearing content at a steady pace, and (3) take WoW for what it is - a game.
We’re seeking members that want a core raid team slot, and ideally who will be “raid ready” by October 11. Raid ready simply means knowledge of your class and specialization’s rotation, consumables, and acquiring gear that reflects some effort to obtain your recommended pre-raid BiS loadout. Above all else, we expect each member to respect one another.
Recruitment needs:
Shadow Priest (1)
Social members welcome!
Competitive salary and benefits not offered, but it’ll be a good learning experience.
Message me on discord if interested - Jurdge#8154