We are still in need of more players. If you are tired of your guild, looking for a guild, or are the only one in your guild that is not playing classic then come give us a try. We are a casual raiding guild that only raids once a week on Friday night at 10PM EST. That is the only obligation you would have. After that we have a group or 2 that run M+ but nothing apart from raiding is required.
We currently have 16-18 consistently showing up and are 8/8N and 8/8H. I myself have a whole lot of raid experience, would personally like to start pushing mythic content but I am hamstrung by this server at the moment.
We are accepting all roles.
Respond to this post or send me a whisper in game. Add my battletag Josh#16459 and shoot me a message.
We just need more people come join and help us out!
NEW: We have been doing old raids on Sat night at 10pm server for the mounts from the achievements. We have a great time, let your hair down have a few drinks and collect mounts. PURE FUN!
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Great group of people to raid with! Everyone is always willing to help each other out with anything. There are some that do achievements, some that quest/level, some that herb/farm, some the pvp /arena, and some that run mythics/raids as much as they can. We have a little something for everyone.
This is a really fun group to raid with friendly people and willing to help anyone that may need it all they have to do is ask. I’m proud of Gardianclown and how he run’s his raid’s, one thing is he will never kick anyone from raid as long as they are willing to take a little advice if they pull poor dps, heals or tank no matter what the problem is he is always there for help all you have to do is ask. Along with the other raiders always willing to take that extra step to help someone out. For a group that raids one night a week we progress and have fun doing it, not one person is a elitest but are very good at what they do, so if your looking for a guild look no further Beyond Redemption has been around since 2007 and still thriving. Not a large guild where you get pushed out of the main raid group or not included in M+ and some PVP.
We have cookies and pie!! Sorry out of cake, you will have to join horde side for cake!
We are still looking for more. Just so you know we are probably the BEST 1 raid night a week guild you will find! Friday Night 10pm Server. We currently have EP Heroic on farm in about 1.5hrs and working on getting it down to 1hr. We dabble with mythic EP afterwards if we feel like it.