[A] <Beyond>-Lightbringer, 3/12M. Recruiting DPS & Heals for Mythic Ny'Alotha

< Beyond >-Lightbringer, is recruiting DPS & Healers!

We are a 3/12M, 12/12H raiding & mythic plus (dozens per week) guild.

We have been an active raid guild since Vanilla WoW.
We were a server first guild from WotLK through Draenor.

We’re all adults, but we don’t tolerate bigotry, racism, sexism, etc.
If that’s you, go elsewhere.

That’s about everything!

Type /who Beyond on server, message any of our raiders for a trial invite.


there may or may not be punch and pie.

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Cupcakes & Carnage would be a good guild name.

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