Sit down Erevien.
Not until the alliance suffers a real defeat onvolving dead fan favorite characters.
Cursewords quietly sobs as he tears down his Erevien posters from his wall.
You were a fan of me? I didn’t know. In that case. Screw Trump. I hope he steps on a lego.
Well, that quickly took a turn for the better.
I just want to shoot zombies or bugs again. I want the big existential threat to be “thems a lot of zombies.”
The big mid-late xpac reveal can be “I, the bad guy, have EVEN MORE ZOMBIES!”
I mean, of course he did. He was all crowing about how his administration is the sole reason the vaccines got made in the first place. He put himself in a trapped position because if he agreed with his worshippers, then he’d be admitting his vaccine failed. And he is incapable of admitting such a thing.
It’s actually hilarious.
I already explained it; discussions that needed to be had on mainstream media about Islamic terrorism and how to deal with it weren’t being had due to political correctness, hence the double standard of trying to redefine Muslims as a race instead of followers of a religion (to avoid being called out for a double standard; compare the news coverage of the Catholic Church scandal to the news coverage of Islamic grooming gangs).
To be fair, some of the walking on eggshells around Islamic terrorism by the media was due to the fear of becoming the next Charlie Hebdo.
Look in a mirror when you say that.
You aren’t addressing the elephant in the room, which is that the comment called Islam a barbaric alien culture.
I was only asked to address where I thought he had a point. So when discussing that, why bring up the part where he didn’t have a point? There’s no need.
So what about Islamic terrorism is not being discussed by media when a white guy shoots up a mosque?
Beacuse it seems to me like we don’t talk enough about white domestic terrorism.
Things that weren’t being discussed or not discussed enough; questions about what the religion teaches, what the culture in Islam-dominated countries is like and pointing out how discussion, questions, and criticisms of those two should not - and does not - translate into collectively writing off Muslims.
Thise are all valid things to discuss, but that wasn’t the point of that comment.
It was part of the comment; those discussions weren’t being had, or not had enough, because the media was mollycoddling Islam, Muslims and those countries - making them a protected group instead of giving them equal treatment every group of people should get.
That’s quite the opposite of how the media portrayed Islam.
What time period are you talking about?
Since 9/11 is when the nasty depictions started, or at least became more widespread.
There was definitely a spike after 9/11. Wrong as that is, that’s human nature for you; something terrible is done by part of a group in that group’s name, they get piled on.
Then after several years of that, the pendulum swung to the opposite extreme and Muslims became the group that can do no wrong in the eyes of the media, so when Muslim terrorists attacked they were no true scotsmen… I mean Muslims. And a lot of people ate that up.
iirc that was part of why the New Atheism movement lost clout; a major factor in their founding was 9/11 and Islamic terrorism, and Islam was their main target, but a lot of their supporters in the Anglosphere considered Christianity public enemy no.1, so when the founders said Christianity is better/less bad than Islam, a lot of people turned against them.
I just had to Goolge “New Athiests,” because this is the first time I’ve heard of them.
According to the Wiki article it mirrors Evangelicalism and fundimentalist Christanity.
Yeah, see, I’m against militarism in any form and that just seems like another branch of extreemism to me.
Why do you think these people are “the left?” There seems to be a lot of criticism of New Athiests from reputable sources.
Citation needed on that foundations in Evangelicalism and fundamentalist Christianity part. Funnily, I’ve heard Hitchens, Dawkins and the other two described as evangelical atheists.
I never said the New Atheist movement was left wing as a whole, though one of the four founders, Christopher Hitchens, used to be a Trotskyist and was a role model for another founder, Richard Dawkins.