A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

There was a right way.

The right way would’ve been that Blizzard internally realized that WoW is going to become a multi-decade franchise once it became a global phenomenon.

The right way would’ve been between TBC and Wrath, for Metzen to create an incredibly large, balanced, complex, nuanced internal cosmology that would last multiple decades.

The right way would’ve been for the internal lore bible to have the metaphysics of the cosmology and the “trajectory” major characters were going to have in both factions established since 2008.

The right way would’ve been a slow, progressive burn, adding layers and complexity of this internal cosmology into the game since Wrath onward.

The right way would’ve been a modicum of long-term forethought.



hell, look at the “scandal” that was in Cata when Archbishop Benedictus got the villain bat. Some people believed it was a stab at the then current pope (Pope Benedict XVI). Even though the WoW character was created before Benedict XVI got elected pope. WoW came out in 2004, he was made pope in 2005.

Plus M’uru does follow Christs story with a mix of revelations. With A’dal as God, Velen as a combination of the prophets, Kael’thas as the false prophet, Kil’jaeden as the devil. The “Mark of the Beast” is Fel corruption.

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I’ve never considered Archbishop Benedictus as a jab at Pope Benedict XVI (and yes, I was a Christian then too), and I’m not going to start seeing him as one. In fact, the last boss of the Vortex Pinnacle Dungeon in Cata has the title “Caliph”, which is an Islamic title irl, and I don’t see him as a jab at Islam… and he was implemented after 9/11.

Not sure about your reading of M’uru’s story, especially since M’uru isn’t resurrected.

Benedictus in-game predates Pope B16 becoming Pope yes but:

However, his becoming Evil Tentacle Monster Servant is just a clever reinterpretation of 19th and 20th century Anti Catholic art where the Pope and Church is shown to be as secretly an evil octopus of Satan.

It’s not a jab but it is a reference.

The Air Elementals in-game are largely gesturing to either MENA motifs (Caliph, Jinn, the turbans, Vizier, I think someone is named Sultan iirc, multiple names that are just Arabic)

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Can you share a link to some of this art? This sounds too bizzare to be true. It also sounds too bizzare, so it must be true.

Behold: Cthulhu Pope with Irish Priest Drawn Like A Monkey


I thought Benedictus was actually more of an anti-jesuit thing since he was called the Father of Twilight. I thought he was also refered to at some point as the Black Pope which is a secret name for the Leader of the Jesuits, who is sometimes called Father General.

He is quoted saying: “There is no good. No evil. No Light. There is only POWER!”

Eh knowledge of Jesuit Lore isn’t that common, and when Cataclysm was being developed there was a big resurgence of the Catholic Abuse Scandal that led to some politicians who were geriatric falling back to early 20th century “THE ROMANISH EVIL WILL DESTROY AMERICA” stuff

So figure it’s just the tentacle pope meme that was making the rounds back then

This is like the second or third time you made this thread in the passed few months. I am not sure why you feel like it needs new threads, instead of just bumping your old ones.

Especially since you dont add new information. No new facts. You just add more words to your old opinion.

Having said that, you are wrong. A Light based expansion is not “bad” because it focuses on the Light. It hasn’t been developed yet. The WoW team puts out good expacs on occasion. Your petty gripes are not enough to label it as “bad” before it is even developed, much less launched.

You do not know that. Perhaps some servants of the Light are benevolent, and others malevolent. That has lore basis. And if the Void, the Legion, and the Jailer are contained for the moment … that would make an oppressive Light Faction a bigger threat.


What would a future Light Expac have that the Scarlets have not? Two major things :

Firstly - A light themed raid. We have not had that yet. Even the Scarlets are regulated to Dungeons. A full blown out Light based Raid has not been done. We have had Fire (Firelands), Water (Nazjatar/SSC), Void (Nyalotha/Emerald Nightmare/Dragon Soul/Nazjatar), Fel (BC Raids/Legion Raids), Death (Sanctum of D, ICC), Arcane (Malygos/Azshara). In fact, the Light seems to stick out as an exclusion. Its time has come.

Secondly - Potentially tons of non Human bosses and mobs. We have not faced Light Powered Draenei forces in a Raid as antagonists. And with Exarch Hellscream being a thing, we might have an Orc Paladin Raid boss - something that has not happened yet.

So, there is a lot of new and different things that can come from it.


Well, I’ll just throw it out there.

I thought Benedictus’ name was foreshadowing that he was a traitor as far back as Vanilla. Can’t spell, “Benedictus,” without, “Benedict,” and Benedict Arnold was the revolution’s traitor in American History.

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As ever, you’re on the ball when it comes to cherry-picking and trying to strawman me.

Give me evidence as of me posting this comment that any naaru seek to destroy the universe and everything in it, including in the expanded universe outside the game. You can’t, for I’ve checked the lore, and all you have are unproven claims and “what if” scenarios.

If you’re talking about themed raids, we haven’t had a full Life-themed raid or an Earth-themed raid either, but of course you single out the Light here. There is no intrinsic value to your claims if you have to ignore little things like facts and logic for them to work. Even using your logic would mean there have been Light-themed raids. We’ve had Sunwell Plateau (Light and Fel, there’s even the Naaru M’uru as a raid boss) and Battle of Dra’lazor (Light, Death and Life - there’s plenty of enemy mobs that are Light-wielding Zandalari troll paladin-equivalents and priests… plus the first raid boss).

You only gave two reasons in response to my four reasons and claim there’s “a lot” of new and different things. Your attempt to rally support for your fetish for Light-wielding antagonists isn’t anymore ‘impressive’ than your false accusation that I’m not adding new facts when I’ve clearly done so.

More gibberish from you.

The Expansion has not been developed yet. You are asking for evidence before the events that will lead us there.

There was little “evidence” about Denathrius being involved with the Dreadlords… until Blizzard released it… and he is one of the more popular and well received Characters of Shadowlands.

It is one boss.Half the fight is a Void phase. And it is captured by the Legion. It isnt a Light themed Raid. It is a Light themed Character in a Fel themed Raid.

That isn’t a Light themed Raid. It has one boss that is a Paladin. It is more Faction Conflict themed than Light themed.

The Emerald Nightmare was cleansing the Emerald Dream. At the end, Cenarius is saved. It was definitely Life heavy.

As far as Earth, Dragon Soul was about the Earthwarder, and Thrall wielding the position of that flight. But, I am not opposed to an Earth Raid.

The difference is that I am fine with a Light Raid. Or a Time Raid. Or a Earth Raid. Or a Life Raid. While you seem to reflexively spasm at the idea of even turning off a light switch.


Evidence for hints of Denathrius’ connection with the Nathrezim was sparse but present. You have no evidence for your claims and expect people to take your words on faith.

I’d forgotten that there’s the Blood Elf mobs in Sunwell Plateau including paladins and priests. At the end of Sunwell Plateau, the spark of M’uru is sacrificed to seal the Sunwell and make it Light-infused to “(mayhap) rebirth the soul of a nation”. It was definitely Light heavy.

I don’t have a problem with bad guys who can use the Light, such as the Scarlet Crusade or (storywise) what happened to M’uru.

Just as you called Eternal Palace in Najzatar a Water and Void-themed raid, I called those raids Light/Fel-themed and Light/Life/Death themed respectively. Battle of Dra’lazor having a faction conflict theme doesn’t change the fact that it’s Light/Life/Death-themed.

The Dreadlords were created before Warcraft was turned into an MMO. Denathrius was not named or ever mentioned until the most recent Expansion. And he is one of the more popular Characters of the most recent Expansion.

Our knowledge of the Light can be expanded on, and might be well received.

You dismiss that out of hand like a petulant child.


I was saying there isn’t evidence for your claims, even compared to the sparse evidence for the Nathrezim’s retconned connection to Denathrius.

No one is going to be impressed by your weak attempts to strawman me anymore than your efforts to portray yourself as the intellectual.

There’s a difference between expanding on lore and one-sided retcons… but you ignored my counterarguments in my previous comment (as of writing this one), so you’ll likely cherry-pick from this comment too.

To be fair though, the original cosmology was that.
It was simple, you had light, and you had shadow, titans were beings of the light, the old gods were beings of the shadow. Reality was where light and shadow collided, with the nether being the source of all magic and chaos.

It was a very simple and very good system, and worked for almost all of wows life time, up until recently, IE when the new writing team got a hole of it, and in BFA started to try and force this really weird complex cosmology that they started to make from the seat of their pants with light, shadow, life, death, order and chaos.

The other big thing the wow writing team is doing that is just outright bad, is they are tyring to link everything together, we dont need everything linked together. The best example of this was the deadlord lore in SL, if anything that ruined what made the dread lords cool, and as a result did not really make the jailer any more menecing, or interesting, it was just a really shallow “OIHHHH just as planned!” attempts but feels crappy.


To add to this, if the is any coolness in the retcons to the Dreadlords, that gives cool points to Denathrius, not the Jailer.

Given that, even if there is potential in a “Light crusade” expansion, I don’t think the current writers can pull it off.

Ehhh… not really. Titans were always beings of, ‘Order.’ I mean, their lifeblood is magic, and always was, considering the origins of the Well of Eternity.


Again, speaking of original lore, they were beings of the light, im not talking current lore.

It ran out in Legion.

It wasn’t enough.