A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

You ignored my quotes from “A Thousand Years of War” in regards to Turalyon. You deliberately ignored how the Chronicles quote proved you wrong about the aqir and n’raqi (see below). There’s more examples I’ll link on request, but I’m striving to be concise since we’re already making walls of text with our back-and-forth.

So like I said, the aquir and n’raqi from the Old Gods infusing with and influence Azeroth. They didn’t just pop out of Void and Shadow. You also skipped the part in Chronicles about how the Old God’s curse of flesh created Gnomes, Dwarves, Vrykul and Humans. without the Old Gods and the Void, those races wouldn’t exist.
I’m saying the Old Gods don’t create anything form nothing. They influence and change. even the Void Lords themselves have trouble maintain permanent forms for long and have to feed on matter and other stuff to sustain themselves. They only create life by messing with what’s already there, be it worlds like Azeroth, machines, or peoples’ souls/bodies.

Wrong, the Chronicles specifically stated they emerged from the essence of the Old Gods themselves, not them mixing with Azeroth. The Old Gods rendered the land around their bodies lifeless, as stated in the Chronicles, did you actually read the quote? The Curse of Flesh mutating Titan constructs into Dwarves, Gnomes, Vry’kul and Humans - plus the Ethereals losing their physical bodies - is very different from how the Aqir and N’raqi were made. You’re deliberately ignoring the difference.

The bad qualities are their campaigns of genocide and forcible conversion. This related to the Light because they Light feeds of conviction and can only see limited possibilities, resulting in a tendency towards zealotry and in the most extreme cases, intolerance for anything they deem not Light enough. And the Light by itself is not enough to sustain life as we know it in the universe. It has to be balanced out with other cosmic forces to various degrees.

Citation needed on the Light feeding on conviction, especially since it predates the other five cosmic force, including the Void (and the hypothetical “seventh cosmic force” relating to the First Ones is current vague and unproven). Again, are those qualities inherent to the Light itself or come from those who follow it?

And I agreed. They aren’t part of the crusade. They’re part of the SCARLETS. The crusade isn’t part of the Brotherhood, Onslaught, or Apostates either, but the crusade are still Scarlets. They’re all still Scarlets.
That’s why you have to insist they’re not a member of the crusade because you know they’re still a member of the Scarlets, which includes the Crusade, Brotherhood, Apostates, etc.

When I first said the “Scarlets” were wiped out, I meant that as shorthand for the Scarlet Crusade was wiped out. Makes sense that you misunderstood me and thought I meant all their splinter groups too, an honest mistake.

Why do I think the nobles would support the Scarlets?

  1. The nobles are not a fan of Anduin and stormwind’s been trying to take back Lordaeron for a while. They’ve never opposed the Scarlets. Only elements of the Church of Holy Light have.
  2. The Scarlets are not a fan of Anduin and have been trying to take back Lordaeron for a while. And they’re starting to try and influence Stormwinf politics in Anduin’s absence.
  3. AU Xe’ra hasn’t shown up and started convincing people elsewhere to commit the genocide and forced conversions like she did with Yrel and the Lightbound yet. Naturally, she’d be opposed by Anduin, which makes him a threat to. So they’d all make comfy bedfellows.
  1. Saying “only elements” of the Church of the Holy Light have opposed the Scarlets is merely your headcanon.
  2. There’s a difference between influencing Stormwind’s politics and allying with enemies of the Alliance.
  3. Assuming AU Xe’ra would oppose Anduin or ally with the Scarlets is also just your headcanon (Xe’ra’s she’s not racist against non-humans, and she can read mind so the Brotherhood can’t pretend to get over their racism).

What has any Scarlet Crusade splinter group been confirmed to have that the Stormwind nobles can’t get for themselves? Also, don’t you know that a Regent, by definition, is a temporary ruler? Can you name any nobles who oppose Anduin enough to overthrow or undermine him? Any good name the Scarlet Crusade, their sympathizers and splinter groups might have had was long gone before Legion.

I never accused you of claiming anything’d be the end of WoW until you brought it up… which apparently wasn’t directed at me. So why’d you bring up something you were going back and forth with Cursewords about to me when I never mentioned before?

Must’ve been when I suspected you of being Cursewords’ sockpuppet, before we cleared up that you aren’t.

But everyone who disagrees with you does so for the same reasons because those reasons are all consistently wrong. If we’re not being mean to you, there’s no reason for you to bring up the people who are when talking to us.

Some are being mean to me, some aren’t. The worst offenders are Cursewords, Renastus, and occasionally Evelysaa, Lenastus and yourself. The first four are who I’ve nicknamed my “hate bridage”.

No, power levels don’t matter, as the Legion was supposed to be the greatest threat the universe ever faced- to the point where it was the enemy of the Light, the Void, the Titans, and who all fought it on multiple fronts and couldn’t defeat it.
That the Lightbound didn’t finish completely eradicating races of Draenor down to the last person doesn’t make it something that should be allowed to continue. The fact that lives can still possibly be saved is all the more reason to stop them now.
Since there is no actual Light Crusade yet, there’s no published announcement about Xe’ra’s specific plans for Azeroth. But we can look at exactly what she’s already doing on Draenor to see what she’d be capable of should she arrive.

Yes, power levels do matter if the Light’s supposed to be as bad as the Void at the extreme and its polar opposite ala Yin and Yang. Even you conceded AU Xe’ra (and we can’t blame MU Xe’ra for AU Xe’ra’s crimes or vice versa) falls short of the Old Gods, for one. What AU Xe’ra did on AU Draenor doesn’t make your theorycrafting about what she might do on MU Azeroth canon.

Even if she’s not as bad, it doesn’t mean she’s good. And it doesn’t mean she doesn’t need to be stopped.

How so? Unlike the Naaru, the Titans are guilty of multiple actual genocides (as Algalon states and indicated with the “Reorigination Engine” in Uldum), should we have stopped or turned against them too? Rules for the Naaru, but not the Titans?

As for those two thread you linked;

  • From the first thread, I responded to someone else who raised similar points to yours and mistakenly thought I’d replied to you. Plus there wasn’t proof of your theorycrafting or mine. By the way, the idea of Turalyon unquestioningly following Xe’ra’s orders has been thoroughly debunked by myself and others in this thread and the one you linked.
  • The point of the second thread was to debunk the notion that Lighrforging itself was brainwashing. Note the thread’s title; "Lightforging = brainwashing" debunked . You conceded that point before making a different argument. Since the thread’s point had been proven, I didn’t bother to respond.