A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

Yes, you had to get extremely specific. Because there’s various non-villainous Void entities, because the void is, fundamentally, not necessarilly an all evil force and can be used for good.

To the point where even the naruu are creatures of the Void as well as the Light, as they need to go through a Void phase as part of their natural life cycle.

Void energies are what allowed the curse of flesh and allowed humans, dwarves, gnomes, and many other races to exist.

In focusing exclusively on the olf gods- of whom we’ve only seen a fraction- as the end all and be all of the Void, and dismissing the Void as something that cannot and should not be abided by, you’re basically falling into Xe’ra’s line of thinking. And Xe’ra is wrong.

Not all of the Void is evil and not all of the Light is good.

I addressed this one above and with links. The Scarlets are still around and kicking. Definitely not in full force, but they aren’t completely wiped out.

Anyone who wants to read our discussion on that topic can do so here.

There, they’ll see can see how your incorrect statements were corrected and how you kept moving the goal posts until you left the thread entirely, only to then create another thread trying to make the same arguments. Here.

And here.

Those are just a few examples.

That’s what you do. You make a thread with the same arguments. People thoroughly correct them, you abandon thread, and then you make a new one a little later acting like you just weren’t proven wrong at every turn earlier.

That’s only 3 people mentioned in your “hate brigade”. That leaves at least twice as many people who liked the post that aren’t a part of it. Obviously people can and do disagree with you without hating you.

I don’t strawman you and you don’t debunk counteraguments. You simply make incorrect claims, abandon threads when you’re proven wrong, and make a new thread repeating the same incorrect claims. This has already been established with a glance at your post/thread history.